Strictly Come Dancing’s Craig Revel Horwood slams “awkward” Mollie King

Craig Revel Horwood has ripped into “awkward” Mollie King’s Strictly Come Dancing routines.

While he may have saved her over Aston Merrygold in the dance off earlier this month, Craig is not a fan.

He said this week: “She just doesn’t have natural ability and that’s hard to overcome. I think she could, but it’ll take double the work of everybody else.”

Speaking to the Radio Times magazine, Craig added: “She’s awkward and wooden. She really needs to pull her socks up because she’s lagging behind.”

Last weekend the pressure was on after the previous week’s shock dance off where Mollie was in the bottom two for a second week.

Plus, a spot in next weekend’s Blackpool special was up for grabs.

Speaking before the performance, Mollie revealed she had been working non-stop on the routine.

“It’s so tough being in the dance-off. Making Blackpool would be an absolute dream,” the singer confessed.

Mollie told the Daily Mirror newspaper: “We’ve been putting in 12 hours of training a day this week so we can dance this dance the best we possibly can.”

She added: “We’re so driven this week. We just have to try and up our game. We’re both such hard workers so we’re ready to go that extra mile. That’s why me and AJ make such a good team.”

Mollie was overjoyed when she got through and avoided the bottom two, meaning she’s off to Blackpool this Saturday night.

The remaining eight couples will take to the dancefloor this week when Strictly Come Dancing returns on Saturday 18th November at 6:45pm with the results show on Sunday 19th November at 7.15pm on BBC One.