Strictly Come Dancing’s Craig Revel Horwood doesn’t want to be head judge


Craig Revel Horwood has insisted he doesn’t want to be head judge on Strictly Come Dancing.

Len Goodman had held the position on the panel up until he stepped down in 2016.

When new judge Shirley Ballas joined as his replacement, she took over his role in her first year.

But Craig has said he never wanted the job.

“I don’t see myself as a mediator,” he told the Daily Express. “The role as head judge [means] you have to be the mediator, [but] I am who I am and love the job I do.

“I wouldn’t give it up for the world. I didn’t want the responsibility. I like where I am at the moment, I think it’s good.”

Craig went on to praise Shirley and confirmed she would be back for this year’s upcoming series.

He said: “I thought Shirley was a fantastic choice as head judge. It’s great having a woman in that position as well, because we have a very even amount of commenting which I think is fantastic.

“She also knows exactly what she is talking about and she tells people the truth, and I love that. I thought she was fantastic.

“She is a fantastic talker. She has a good look and is very opinionated, which I love. It’s going to be a really good year.”

Meanwhile, sharing his views on Brendan Cole’s axe from the pro line up, Craig told the Daily Star newspaper: “Not many dancers get 15 years of employment.

“Of course it’s going to hurt. Anyone is going to be deflated if they were looking forward to coming back and they’re not. But that’s just the way it goes.”

Craig added: “It’s put him on the map, people know his name and he should be very grateful.

“I don’t know if it was the right decision. But that’s between him and the BBC.”

Strictly Come Dancing will air on BBC One in the autumn.