Strictly Come Dancing set to introduce a brand new twist for 2019

Craig Revel Horwood says that Strictly Come Dancing will introduce a brand new twist for 2019.

The Strictly judge has let slip plans for this year’s series, even if the launch show is many months away.

Appearing on ITV’s This Morning earlier this year, Craig revealed that Strictly will be following in the footsteps of the Australian version of the show.

This year’s series will see the judges take part in a choreographed routine with the celebrity contestants and their pro dancers.

“This year is going to be very interesting because like Australia, they are taking a leaf out of Australia’s book and Dancing With The Stars in America, the judges will be dancing,” Craig explained. “I don’t know that Shirley Ballas knows that yet but she will be.

“We dance with the contestants, you put yourself on the line, so to speak.”

The so-called ‘Judges’ Team-up Challenge’ on Dancing With The Stars in Australia saw each judge perform with two couples. The routines were then marked by the three other judges.

Craig, who is a judge on the Aussie version of Strictly as well as the British series, said: “I absolutely loved it, it was great, with Courtney Act, which was absolutely fantastic.

“I loved it. To come into the room, to choreograph, to actually create an entire scenario and star in it yourself. And be judged, that’s sort of the big thing.

“But I loved that, I thought it was really great fun. And I’m up as most people know for anything.”

Meanwhile, a much bigger change to this year’s Strictly will be the addition of a new judge after Darcey Bussell stepped down.

Craig confessed: “I was shocked. I had an inkling but there was only a slight suggestion on the tour but nothing more and I never thought that would actually happen because she’s one of my best mates and I love sitting next to her, I love the fact she was whacking people with paddles.”

He claimed that her successor has already been chosen but not yet revealed to him.

“They did say it’s someone who can actually dance, so that’s good,” Craig added, “Also it needs to be someone opinionated.”

Strictly Come Dancing airs on BBC One.