Strictly Come Dancing 2019 results! Who left? Third celebrity voted off

Tonight's Strictly Come Dancing 2019 results - who was voted off?

Another celebrity has left Strictly Come Dancing 2019 in tonight’s results.

This weekend Strictly Come Dancing’s celebrity dancers and their professional partners once again each took to the dancefloor to impress the viewers at home – as well as judges Shirley Ballas, Motsi Mabuse, Bruno Tonioli and Craig Revel Horwood in the studio.

In the bottom two were Dev Griffin and Viscountess Emma Weymouth with the pair having to dance again for the judges.

In the results, it was Dev Griffin who left Strictly Come Dancing 2019 this week.

Tonight’s Strictly Come Dancing 2019 results

In tonight’s Strictly Come Dancing results, the judges’ scores were combined with the results of the viewers’ votes to decide the lowest scoring two couples facing the dance off.

This week, that was Dev Griffin and his professional partner Dianne Buswell and Viscountess Emma Weymouth and partner Aljaž Škorjanec.

Both couples performed their routines again, Emma and Aljaž performed their Jive to Kids in America by Kim Wilde and Dev and Dianne performed their Cha Cha to Dancing With A Stranger to Sam Smith and Normani in a bid to impress the judges and remain in the competition.

After both couples had danced a second time the judges delivered their verdicts with all four choosing to save Emma & Aljaz.

Craig Revel Horwood chose to save Emma and Aljaž: “They were the couple that really shone for me in this dance off. They came to life and went the extra mile.”

Motsi Mabuse chose to save Emma and Aljaž: “Particularly in the dance off, Emma and Aljaž were the couple that looked more rehearsed and on top of it.”

Bruno Tonioli chose to save: Emma and Aljaž: “Emma and Aljaž were the couple that showed no mistakes. They were stronger, cleaner and focused.”

Although her casting vote was not required, Head Judge Shirley Ballas said she would have also chosen to save Emma and Aljaž

Speaking about his time on the show, Dev said: “I’m not going to lie I am absolutely gutted, but learning how to dance, hanging out with Dianne and the other pros and celebs… I’ve absolutely loved it.”

Dianne was asked if she had any words for Dev, he said: “Dev has been absolutely amazing. His work ethic is insane. I see him everywhere practising and I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. Thank you so much for all your time and your effort.

“This boy has so much talent, I’m really sad he won’t be able to show you guys any more of it.”

Dev and Dianne will appear live on Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two on the sofa with Rylan Clark-Neal for their first interview live on Monday 14th October from 6.30pm on BBC Two and BBC iPlayer.

The remaining twelve couples will take to the dancefloor next week when Strictly Come Dancing returns on Saturday 19th October at 6.40pm with the results show on Sunday 20th October at 7.15pm on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.