Strictly Come Dancing 2018 results! Shock bottom two dance off

Tonight's Strictly Come Dancing 2018 results - who left?

Ashley Roberts and Graeme Swann are in the bottom two in tonight’s Strictly Come Dancing 2018 results.

It was the first time for Ashley despite scoring top marks from the judges throughout the series.

Ashley placed second on the leaderboard in Saturday’s show, with a total of 36 points after dancing the Samba to Hot Hot Hot by Arrow with pro partner Pasha Kovalev.

Graeme and his pro partner Oti Mabuse had scored 24 points after they performed a Quickstep to Sing Sing Sing by The Andrews Sisters.

As usual, the scores from the judges were added to the results of the viewer vote to decide the bottom two in the dance off tonight.

First to be announced as in the dance off were Graeme and Oti.

He reacted: “After the way it went yesterday I kind of expected it, we just have to up our game.”

Strictly judge Shirley Ballas advised him for the dance off: “Try and stay in a beautiful straight line. Make sure you’re light on your feet. Enjoy it and have the time of your life. You’ve got a beautiful partner on the end of your arm, good luck.”

Ashley and Pasha were then revealed to be joining Graeme in the bottom two for the first time.

There was audible shock from the audience as hosts Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman revealed the result.

“We’re going to go out there and give it our all, that’s for sure,” Ashley said.

Tonight’s Strictly Come Dancing 2018 results

Both Ashley and Graeme then danced again for the judges, who had to decide which couple should stay in the competition.

Craig Revel Horwood, Shirley Ballas, Darcey Bussell and Bruno Tonioli all voted for Ashley & Pasha to stay, leaving Graeme & Oti to head home.

Strictly Come Dancing 2018 is back next Saturday and Sunday night, live on BBC One with a Musicals themed special.