Rich House Poor House gets a new series – here’s how to take part
Rich House Poor House is getting a new series on Channel 5 and is looking for families to take part.
In Rich House, Poor House, two families from opposite ends of the wealth divide swap homes, budgets and lives for seven days to find out whether money really does buy happiness.
At the end of the week, how much will the have discovered they have in common however different their financial circumstances? And how much will they think money matters?
The first four part series aired last year and proved a ratings hit before more episodes quickly following.
Now a new series is in the works are families are wanted to take part.
Scott Thomson, Assistant Producer, said: “The ambition of the programme is to look at how much money matters to happiness through the eyes of the two families experiencing life at the other end of the wealth divide.
“The families’ perspectives give a thought-provoking and fascinating insight on how we live our lives.
“The series is insightful with genuine purpose but it’s also entertaining, heart-warming and uplifting. However different their financial circumstances are, the two families in each programme have shared values and common ground that they discover across the week’s swap.”
Those interested in taking part in series two of Rich House, Poor House can visit the Channel 5 website for more information.
For now, Rich House Poor House continues at 9PM, Thursday nights on Channel 5.
More on: Channel 5