Ready Steady Cook goes green for its new series


BBC One has told how Ready Steady Cook’s new series will become one of the most sustainable food shows on TV.

Rylan Clark-Neal will host a brand new version of the show in 2020 a decade after it last aired.

The format involves two teams of contestants each paired up with a professional chef challenged to create meals from mystery ingredients.

But while that remains the same, the new series will see a number of sustainability improvements including the show’s famous red tomato and green peppers plastic bags replaced with re-usable jute totes.

Other changes include ingredients being presented on screen in a responsible way, avoiding single use plastic with glass jars and bottles being favoured over plastic alternatives.

There will also be separate colour coded waste bins both on set and backstage, which will be collected by a local recycling firm for anaerobic digestion (where waste is broken down to produce biogas and biofertiliser),

Meanwhile, seasonal ingredients will be sourced from local suppliers with unused fruit/vegetables and non-perishable items to a local food bank.

The BBC added: “More generally the show will reflect contemporary food themes, from cooking on budget to eating healthily, managing food waste to feeding the whole family, mirroring the changes in food and British cooking over the past decade.”

Rylan Clark-Neal said: “One of the biggest sustainability issues we face is from food and packaging waste, so Ready Steady Cook is being brought bang up to date to play its part in tackling this. It’s going to be goodbye plastic bags and hello jute totes when we hit screens in the New Year. I can’t wait to get stuck in!”

Cat Lawson, Executive Producer, Remarkable TV added: “The world has changed a lot since Ready Steady Cook was on air last, and it’s more important than ever to source sustainable and ethically produced food.

“As such Ready Steady Cook will be favouring local suppliers and seasonal products, avoiding single use plastic and food waste as much as possible.”

Ready, Steady, Cook will air on BBC later this year.