Nella Rose breaks silence after I’m A Celebrity exit

Nella Rose has spoken out about her time on I’m A Celebrity.

The YouTuber was one of the first to be evicted from I’m A Celeb this week. Today she spoke to hosts Rylan Clark and Emma Willis on This Morning.

Explaining how life is currently, Nella said; “I’ve had my wagyu, I’ve had my Fanta with my ice, I’m living my best life. I’m with my family, I’m living it up!”

On doing so many trials in camp, she shared: “The trials were so scary. When you see it on TV you’re thinking ‘yeah, I can do that’ but when you’re put in those situations, you’re thinking ‘this is some crazy stuff!’

Nella Rose in the Bush Telegraph on I'm a Celebrity

“Some of them I found really hard, and some of them I just had to face my fears and I’m happy that I did them.”

Nella speaks out on Fred row

On her conflicts with fellow campmate Fred, Nella confessed: “I haven’t watched anything back yet. I know everything that’s gone on… and honestly, it was a big fat misunderstanding. We’ve gone over it, me and Fred are cool. But I understand it’s TV and everything in the jungle is intensified. That subject was very triggering for me because it’s obviously like a fresh wound. But it is what it is.”

Revealing her thoughts on switching up the camp chefs, Nella laughed: “In the jungle the little bits of drama that happen is like your Eastenders, it’s your little bits of entertainment. To stir the pot, to make things fun, that’s just who I am!”

And speaking of Nigel Farage, Nella admitted: “I think we had some interesting conversations in there that needed to be had. Yeah, it is what it is. I feel like in life, it’s good to hear different peoples opinions. Me and Nigel come from two different classes, two different walks of life. He has his opinions, I have my opinions and we can share those and agree to disagree at the end of the day.”

Overall, Nella said: “I will never forget the experience, I’ve created some real bonds in there – some friends for life…

Nigel and Nella

“I feel like I pushed myself to the limits – can’t believe I was in that proximity to snakes! It was an experience I do not regret whatsoever, and I don’t think there’s anything I would’ve changed about it. What you see if what you get, I’m like marmite. You love me or you hate me.”

The show also spoke to most recent evictee Fred Siriex, who explained why he wanted to do the jungle.

Fred has his say

He said: “It was a challenge. It was something I wanted to do for a while and I thought ‘what is it going to be like in there’ but when I found out that I was going in, I had nightmares for three months dreaming about bugs. I kept waking up and could see them on my pillow!”

Speaking about the moment with Nella, Fred said: “For me, it’s just a misunderstanding you know, you’re in the jungle, it’s like a pressure cooker, and it’s just the way it is. All I will say is I was very surprised for the hate for Nella when I came out, it’s totally wrong, it’s unfair. Nella is a lovely girl. Things happen and you move on. I don’t know what all the fuss is about to be honest with you.”

Fred leaves I'm A Celebrity

And when quizzed about the cooking frustrations with Josie, Fred admitted: “Look, in all fairness the meals that Josie cooked they were very good, she could cook the meal on the day, all I was concerned with was how she was able to use and recycle the bones and other vegetables in order to prepare stocks to improve the meals the day after. And that’s it.

“I got a telling off from my mum”

“This morning, I spoke to my mum, she called me because she knew I was out. She said ‘Frederick’ and she only calls me that when she’s upset, ‘what did you do with Josie? Why did you stand on top telling her what to do? What was going through your mind?’”

“I got a telling off from my mum! I said, ‘But Mum’ and she said, ‘Frederick, I don’t want to listen to you, this is unacceptable, you can’t do that!’ She was mad! So I will not do it again… What can I say?”

On the whole experience, Fred confessed: “It was bliss. It was the first time in my life I was able to be inside myself, with myself, and just worry about myself. I surprised myself to just enjoy the moment, living in the moment, and enjoying what was in front of me. I was the most relaxed I’ve ever been. So I want to take some of the jungle to my life, to make more peace and serenity in my life. I want to make small changes so I can enjoy time more. Life goes too fast.”

I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here continues tonight at 9PM on ITV1 and ITVX.

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