Naked Attraction celebrity special ‘axed after struggling to sign up stars’


A rumoured Celebrity version of dating show Naked Attraction has reportedly been shelved.

First reported to be in the works in 2018, the one-off all star version was said to be in the works as part of Channel 4’s Stand Up To Cancer charity fundraiser.

In the daring dating show, presented by fully clothed TV host Anna Richardson, singletons whittle down a group ofpotential suitors, who are stood naked in a pod, one body part at a time, based on what they find least attractive.

However it seems even the most fame hungry of reality stars weren’t up for this challenge.

Celebrity Big Brother’s India Willoughby was one of those to sign up but says the plans have been dropped after bosses failed to get others on board.

In an interview with the Daily Star on Sunday, she shared: “I was asked to do the show and I wanted to do it. I was up for it and it was in the pipeline.

“But unfortunately they couldn’t get enough people, so it went down the pan.”

India added that she was still up for taking part, telling the newspaper: “You only live once.”

“My body is going to deteriorate very soon,” she added. “If I was going to do the show, it would have to be in the next 12 months or so or everything is going to be hanging around my ankles!”

While the Celebrity series isn’t happening right now, the main series continues to air on Channel 4.

Applications are now open for future episodes with those 18 and older able to apply online here.

A casting call asks: “In this daring dating series potential couples are able to see each other in their naked glory from the very off, and producers Studio Lambert are looking for adventurous singletons to take part in any potential future episodes.”

As for what to expect from the application process, a former Naked Attraction contestant previously shared that those wanting to take part had to stand naked in front of a camera and interviewer for almost an hour.

If you prefer to keep your clothes on, you can watch the series at home via All 4 now.

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