I’m A Celebrity stars plot ‘revolt’ as Matt Hancock becomes camp leader

Matt Hancock has been made the camp leader on I’m a Celebrity 2022.

Tonight, Chris Moyles read out a laminate to camp, alerting them to the fact the public had been voting for camp leader.

He said: “Celebrities, the public have been voting for the first leader of camp. The two celebrities with the most votes will go head-to-head in a challenge to decide who will become the leader. Those two celebrities are – Mike and Matt.”

Chris continued: “You must each choose a deputy. The deputy will not only help you run camp, but will also team up with you in the leadership challenge.”

Matt chose Charlene and Mike chose Sue.

im a celebrity matt leader b

As the two potential leaders and their deputies left camp for their head-to-head battle, Boy George admitted: “Ultimately, neither of them will have any power over me. If I don’t want to do something I won’t do it.”

Matt and Charlene and Mike and Sue arrived at the challenge area and read the instructions which said: “In front of each team is a wall of lights. You will only see which lights are switched on when you press the red button. The first team to turn on all their lights will become the leader and deputy of camp. Mike and Matt, you will be responsible for turning the lights on. However, you will be blindfolded and will have to rely on your chosen deputy to give you instructions from the deputies’ chairs.”

Mike joked: “If I went home and I’d lost to Matt Hancock, I’d be in so much s***.”

Matt told Charlene: “We are definitely the underdogs.”

Sue and Mike raced to beat Matt and Charlene, but ultimately he won.

Matt said: “Obviously, it’s a great honour and privilege to be camp leader. I want to thank everybody who voted for me.”

Charlene said: “Does this win feel sweet, especially after you lost to Boris? Do you feel like you have been vindicated?”

Matt replied: “This more than makes up for it.”

Meanwhile Sue said: “We now have a dictatorship.”

im a celebrity leadership challenge

Mike added: “But there’s always time for revolution.”

Back at camp, Matt and his deputy Charlene had to assign chores to their campmates. They were told they are exempt and cannot assist in chores around camp.

Matt began to tell the camp who was doing what when Jill interrupted: “Just to be clear, are these guidelines or rules?”

Matt said: “These are rules. This is the law of the jungle, Jill.”

Matt named Scarlette and Owen as camp chefs. On washing up was Jill and Boy George. Camp water was Chris and Mike. Dunny duty was given to Seann and Sue. Camp maintenance was given to Babatúndé and Mike.

im a celebrity chris

They then had to reveal a secret message hidden at the bottom of the laminate. Charlene read: “In addition to being exempt from all chores the leader and deputy will sleep in the RV and remain in there until further notice.”

At the end of the episode, Sue and Boy George revealed plans for a revolt against their new leader.

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! watch the next live episode tomorrow at 9PM (Monday) on ITV and ITV Hub.