Love Island spoilers! Stephanie Lam in tears over Jack Fowler’s kiss with Laura Crane

Stephanie Lam is left in tears on Love Island 2018 tonight after learning of Jack Fowler’s kiss with Laura Crane.

‘New Jack’ and ‘new Laura’ shared a secret snog on the day bed in last night’s episode.

Oblivious to what has gone on the next morning, Stephanie chats to new Laura about her interest in Jack: “I’ve been in a romantic way chatting to Jack and Sam the most. Jack’s get up and go and he’d keep you on your toes a little bit more and I just don’t know what at this point I’d be looking for more.”

Coy about what has really gone on between them, Laura reveals: “Obviously Jack, I had some chats with him yesterday. I don’t know, we get on really well, it’s easy, it flows, we can just mess about. I don’t know, it’s hard.”

Explaining the reasons for her secrecy, Laura admits: “I don’t think it’s my place to necessarily tell Steph that we’ve kissed, I think that’s up to Jack. I wouldn’t want to be the one to go round telling people if he doesn’t want people to know necessarily yet.”

It’s not long before news makes it way back to Stephanie though, after Dr Alex shares the news with Laura Anderson, who had been partnered up with Jack.

‘Old Laura’ then spills the beans to Stephanie who expresses her disappointment: “Sneaky! He said to me, he was like ‘you are really, really attractive, you are my type, I do want to get to know you more and stuff’ but I just think if that’s true then why kiss someone so soon?

” If you’re getting to know people equally you get to know them equally. You don’t just go and get with someone but then say ‘Oh I still want to get to know you.’ He knows that we both fancy him and I think he’s lapping that up. He really is.”

When Laura questions Stephanie on whether new Laura should have been the one to tell her, Stephanie responds: “Massively, I would have told her straight away. When we’ve sat down and spoke I’ve made it very clearly that I like Sam and I like Jack. She said the same but she said more like ‘obviously I do like Jack and obviously he’s good looking but I’m not ruling out Alex either.’ Well you kind of just have.”

Speaking to the Beach Hut, Stephanie’s emotions begin to get the better of her: “I don’t feel annoyed about the kiss whatsoever because we’ve been in here a few days, Laura’s in the exact same position as I am. The one thing I was p***** off about is that everyone knew except me. I’m a very approachable person.

“I feel like I’m going to cry, I don’t know why. I actually don’t know why I’m crying, I just feel mugged off. Everyone knew except me. I’m just so embarrassed.”

Shortly afterwards, new Jack finally decides to tell Stephanie, unaware of the fact that she already knows what he is about to say.

Determined to give Jack a piece of her mind, Stephanie vents: “Babe I’m not bothered about the kiss. I feel mugged off because when were either of you going to call me and tell me. You’ve had all day to do that. I just think you’re being disingenuous.”

Still dismayed by new Laura’s lack of loyalty towards her, Stephanie tells the Beach Hut: “I’m not mugged off about them kissing, I’m just mugged off because Laura was the person I walked in here with, and she hasn’t looked at me all day.

“I’m not even upset, I don’t want anyone to think I’m crying because of the kiss because I’m actually happy for them if they get on. Like, congrats, I hope I get invited to the wedding, do you know what I mean?”

Love Island 2018 airs tonight at 9PM on ITV2.