Love Island 2020 spoiler: Rebecca confronts Luke T over Siânnise


Rebecca Gormley confronts Luke Trotman over his feelings for Siânnise Fudge in tonight’s Love Island.

Rebecca chose to couple up with Luke in the last recoupling but he has since been getting to know Siânnise.

Left in a love triangle, in tonight’s episode, Rebecca demands answers.

Rebecca says: “I don’t know what’s going on. I feel like I’m pushed out of the situation. It is clear in a way, I can see you and Siânnise swanning around, so I want to know what’s going on.”

Luke T replies: “Over the past day or two, I’ve just probably thought that we have a better connection, me and Siânnise.”

Rebecca adds: “I can see that. I’d prefer to have that little respect from you, for you to be like, ‘I do feel like I’ve got a better connection with Siânnise’ and leave it at that. But I feel like I’ve not got that.”

Luke T says: “True, but I feel like I’ve only decided over the past day or two.”

Meanwhile, Siânnise is telling her fellow Islanders: “I feel like it’s a bit of karma to be honest with you. I’m glad I stood my ground and I’m glad I vocalised how I felt and I’m glad that didn’t stop me from getting to know him.

“If I didn’t try, I’d have never known.”

Elsewhere in tonight’s show, Mike starts making moves.

Now he’s no longer in a romantic couple with Leanne, Mike is considering his options.

He tells Callum and Nas: “I am going to crack on. My feelings for Leanne were real. When I feel like the time is right, potentially there could be people in here already that I might be looking at…

“I feel like me and Jess got on a lot. And I kind of blocked that off. Also, I never really gave Rebecca a chance. I’ve not been able to speak to her at all. And then there’s one more person… Sophie.

“It’s a sticky one. We all love Connor. But in terms of attraction, I can’t lie, she’s a beautiful girl.”

Love Island 2020 continues at 9PM tonight on ITV2.

Elsewhere in tonight’s show, there’s a recoupling that leaves one girl dumped from the villa.