Love Island 2019 spoiler: Anton Danyluk makes a play for Anna Vakili


Anton Danyluk makes a play for Anna Vakili in tonight’s Love Island 2019.

Anton – who is currently single – decides to make a move on Anna, who is currently coupled up with Sherif Lanre.

He tells the beach hut: “I’ve come up with ‘Operation Double A’, I’m going to go for Anna today. The boys are going to help me, the girls are going to help me so I’m feeling very, very confident.”

Anton makes no secret of the fact he plans to pursue Anna by speaking about ‘Operation Double A’ in front of Sherif and Callum.

However, Sherif isn’t happy and feels as if Anton is stepping on his toes. But how does Anna feel about her new admirer?

Anton talks too Anna.
Anton talks too Anna.

Anna speaks with Amber about her coupling with Sherif and says “Sherif does not put any work in at all.”

Later that day Anton lays it on thick and says to Anna: “I do want you to know that I find you very attractive. I’ve told all the boys in here.”

Meanwhile, Sherif seeks advice from Yewande. He says “I think I’m going to talk to Anton. I think it’s good that I make it clear where my head’s at and that I’d prefer not to be broken up in my couple.”


Yewande advises: “If you do want to pursue it, it is worth talking to him.”

In the Beach Hut Sherif comments: “It isn’t over between me and Anna. I do intend to carry on in that aspect. We’re still in a coupling and I want to make that work.”

Sherif then decides to speak to Anton about his pursuit of Anna and make clear that he is still interested in her.

But Anton tells the beach hut:“To be honest I see no romantic connection between Sherif and Anna so I don’t plan on backing off.”

Which boy will earn the affections of the pharmacist and receive a dose of her love?

Elsewhere in tonight’s Love Island, Amy Hart and Curtis Pritchard are flying high.

In the Beach Hut, Amy says of their coupling: “Curtis is such a lovely person and the word I use is sunny. He is such a sunny person. He lights up all the rooms he goes into.”

Curtis and Amy.
Curtis and Amy.

Equally Curtis is catching feelings for the air hostess.

In the Beach Hut, he says: “I took her aside tonight. I was going to try and give her a cheeky little kiss but the circumstances were completely wrong. It did not go to plan at all.”

However, Curtis’ luck may be looking up. Before the Islanders retire for the night, Amy speaks with the girls and says “I’m going to instigate the snuggle tonight.”

She adds in the Beach Hut: “I really fancy Curtis. He’s got a really beautiful little face and a really good body. So, win-win.”

Will Curtis land a kiss with Amy tonight?

Love Island 2019 airs tonight at 9PM on ITV2.