Leona Lewis, Alexandra Burke, Shayne Ward ‘set for X Factor all stars’ says Louis Walsh


Louis Walsh has claimed that a trio of X Factor winners are lined up to join a rumoured All Star series.

Currently no official details about this year’s X Factor have been confirmed.

But rumour has that 2019 could see both a Celebrity X Factor series and an All Stars special.

According to Louis Walsh, a number of winners could be set for a return.

Louis told the Daily Mirror newspaper that Leona Lewis, Alexandra Burke and Shayne Ward were all lined up to sing again.

“We do the ‘best of’ all in one week, all the winners are coming back. Leona’s coming back, Alexandra, Shayne, they’re all coming back,” said Louis.

He also seemed to confirm both he and Nicole Scherzinger would return to the panel.

Louis explained: “I go to Los Angeles on Tuesday, I go to Simon’s house in Malibu, it’s me Simon [Cowell] and Nicole [Scherzinger] and we’re doing the celebrity one.

“We haven’t been told who the celebrities are I’ve just read bits in the papers. They want it to be a surprise to us when they walk out.”

A potential X Factor All Stars series was first announced by Simon Cowell back in February.

Simon said at the time “I’ve had a meeting with ITV, I’ve told them what I think we’d like to do with X Factor because we’ve been waiting to have this opportunity.”

Alongside former winners Leona, Alexandra and Shayne, Wagner and Honey G have both put themselves forward to come back, with Honey G saying: “Give the people what they want and what the people want is Honey G.”

Also apparently in talks are 2009 X Factor stars Jedward, made up of twins John and Edward.

Edward shared earlier this year: “Well I can tell everyone that they’re trying desperately to get me and John. They’ve been emailing us, we haven’t confirmed it but they’ve asked us, they definitely want us.”

The X Factor typically airs from September on ITV but scheduling for this year has not been announced.