Lagging: New comedy drama arrives on CBBC – meet the cast

Lagging CBBC start date

Lagging is the new comedy-drama coming to CBBC and BBC iPlayer – here’s all you need to know.

Lagging follows a group of five 12 year-old gamers. Each has their own unique personality traits that they bring to the team, enabling them to face quests and conquer the gaming world.

But as five very different friends who don’t also quite fit together, surviving the challenging missions of real life often proves a much trickier game.

Starting on TV on CBBC and streaming on BBC iPlayer from Tuesday, 20 July at 5PM, Lagging follows the group as they game together, tackle the challenges of real life and have a lot of fun along the way. As they embrace all that life, and gaming, throws at them they discover the importance of friendship, being a team and finding your place in the world.

Meet the cast

Sol (Yoni Bronks)

Sol (Yoni Bronks)
Sol (Yoni Bronks)

Sol is the unofficial leader of SMoRCLe. He has a big heart and cares the most. He’s the one who brought the group together and through whatever they face, Sol is determined they’ll always be a team.

Yoni says: “Sol is a little bit bossy (although he will NEVER admit it!) He always wants what’s best for the team and his friends. He founded Team SMORCLE and is very proud of being the leader. He tries hard to keep the group together – no matter what situations they find themselves in.”

Mo (Isaac Khan)

Mo (Isaac Khan)
Mo (Isaac Khan)

Mo is super-confident and often overestimates his abilities when leaping into situations out of his depth. In real life Mo isn’t half as cool as he thinks he is – but in the land of the nerd, the half-cool guy is king.

Isaac says: “Mo is a funny guy. He thinks he is really cool and he is really confident. He thinks he knows it all and can do everything but then realises that life isn’t the same as in a game. Just because he can do something in a game doesn’t mean he can do it in real life. Still he always thinks he is right.”

Ray (Armandas Martin Gilys)

Ray (Armandas Martin Gilys)
Ray (Armandas Martin Gilys)

Ray is quiet and innocent and because of this can often get drawn into strange and unfamiliar scenarios that he’s then too polite to not to go along with.

Armandas says: “My character Ray originally comes from Lithuania. He is kind, trustworthy, intelligent and loyal. He is one of these people who will go to great lengths to do the right thing.”

Cedric (Seyi Andes-Pelumi)

Cedric (Seyi Andes-Pelumi)
Cedric (Seyi Andes-Pelumi)

Cedric is intelligent, curious, inventive and the straight-A student of the group. He over-prepares for everything and in the game he’s the least likely to run out of ammo.

Seyi says: “Cedric is smart, sarcastic and very dramatic! Some say he’s the brains of the group!”

Leah (Sienna Clarke)

Leah (Sienna Clarke)
Leah (Sienna Clarke)

Leah is witty, forthright, and her assertive nature makes her determined to do things her own way – even if that way often leads her and the group into trouble. Leah also has a health condition which can lead to some stays in hospital.

Sienna says: “Leah is honest whether it is bad or good. Sometimes she’s too honest. She’s very sassy, very determined and never backs down.”

Lagging launches on CBBC and BBC iPlayer on Tuesday 20 July.

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