Joss Stone reveals all about The Masked Singer after performing as Sausage


Joss Stone has revealed all about her time on The Masked Singer as Sausage.

The BRIT and Grammy award winning singer-songwriter won series 2 of The Masked Singer UK in Saturday’s final.

She beat out Badger and Robin in the last episode to be crowned champion, shocking the panel with her reveal.

Joss, who was pregnant when the show filmed, said of signing up: “I received some very exciting news that made doing the show even more perfect for the time at which it cropped up. Also, I am always up for a laugh and this is one of the most funny and happy making things someone could do with their time.”

The Masked Singer final
The Masked Singer final
Joss Stone as Sausage
Joss Stone as Sausage

She admitted that keeping the secret was “very hard”, sharing: “People around me were constantly trying to guess what I was doing in these weeks. Some people even got mad because I wouldn’t tell them. It’s really been quite funny how crazy people get when you keep secrets from them. Madness!”

Joss went to talk about her Sausage costume which was a favourite with viewers.

She said: “I honestly think the mask was why I had so much fun. Singing can be an emotional thing. It helps you and others get through so much, music is truly therapy for your soul. With that being the focus for so long you can get caught up in the deepness of it. It doesn’t have to always be so serious and heavy. Life doesn’t have to be like that if you don’t want it to be.

“It made me laugh every day and it made everyone I walked past laugh. What a brilliant way to live life. I wish I never took it off really. My actual face and body are just not half as entertaining for people!”

Joss added: “I was soooooo nervous every time I sang. My little knees were shaking so I had to try to stop that from shaking my voice. I knew I was going to have to unmask at some point so the last thing you want to do is a bad job beforehand.

“The songs were tough ones to sing but really fun. The breathing was a total mission. Just walking in that thing made me out of breath let alone singing too. Honestly that was the biggest challenge.”

Joss Stone as Sausage
Joss Stone as Sausage
Joss Stone as Sausage
Joss Stone as Sausage

And Joss confessed about some of the clues to her identity: “Some of the clues I didn’t even get because I don’t remember all the things I have done!

“The researcher was amazing, he reminded me of parts of my life I had forgotten. The horse clue was the best because it’s true and also ridiculous so doesn’t sound true at all – perfect!

“[The panel’s] guesses were way off but I loved them because some of them were my favourite singers. I could not believe it when I heard the names Jennifer Hudson and Beverley Knight. I would love to be able to sing even a little bit as well as they can.

“In my wildest dreams I couldn’t control my voice like Jennifer Hudson or have the stamina and fitness of Beverley. So, it was nice to hear those guesses even though they were wrong! Haha!”

Joss continued to say she was “still in shock” about winning the contest.

“Every night I thought I was going to be unmasked,” Joss admitted. “I even got my roots and lashes done at the very beginning to be ready. Haha! Silly things we do eh?!

“If I am honest I didn’t really know the rules of the game before I got there. I thought it was if the panel guess you correctly then you have to be unmasked but no it was the audience that voted for who they liked. Eek! That made it even more nerve-racking!

“I just can’t believe I got so lucky to get so far. I think it was the costume that they liked rather than the singing. But hey ho as long as they were smiling and laughing we all did our jobs well. ”

The Masked Singer final two
The Masked Singer final saw Sausage v Badger face off
The Masked Singer final
The Masked Singer final: Sausage wins!

Finally Joss shared her personal highlight taking part in The Masked Singer: “The joy of play was reignited not only in myself but in everyone on the set. The highlight is that simple fact. We laughed and smiled again.

“Even through all of these heavy serious lockdown days, with the worry of things we cannot control looming over us, we proved that we can adjust to our new times and still laugh and play together and be productive. That is the stuff of life!

“We must never forget that. That is why we need to keep things like ’The Masked Singer ‘ and other expressions of art and music in its most care free form alive.”

The Masked Singer airs on ITV.

Picture: ITV