Jamie Lynn Spears opens up on teen pregnancy in emotional I’m A Celebrity chat


Jamie Lynn Spears opened up about her teenage pregnancy on I’m A Celebrity tonight.

In the camp in this evening’s episode, as Jamie Lynn relaxed in a hammock, Fred sparked a conversation asking about her living situation.

Jamie Lynn replied: “I live in the country. We have like 180 acres.” Surprised, Fred inquired further about her and her sister’s rise to fame.

Jamie Lynn Spears with Fred in the I'm A Celeb camp

Jamie Lynn shared: “I think every family fights and has their stuff but I talked to her before I came here and we love each other.”

Clarifying his question, Fred delved into their fame, to which Jamie Lynn responded: “My mumma, not in a cocky way at all, my mum literally believed we were the best in the world.” She recounted her childhood, filled with singing and dancing, leading to her audition for ‘All That’ and her role in ‘Zoey [101].’

Jamie Lynn then opened up about her personal life, particularly about becoming pregnant at 16.

“The whole world was like, ‘You’re a s**t, you’re horrible your life is over…'” she said, reflecting on the harsh public judgment she faced. Fred empathized, asking if she really felt that way, to which Jamie Lynn confirmed, “Oh yeah. Because I got pregnant young and I was on a kids’ show.”

She described how she had to “hide away for a long time” due to the relentless pursuit by the press, forcing her to move to Mississippi and live in seclusion.

As the discussion continued, Jamie Lynn became tearful, sharing that many around her didn’t want her to have the baby.

Jamie Lynn Spears in the I'm A Celeb camp

Fred comforted her, praising her strength, “But you’ve been amazing. What you’ve done is amazing.” Jamie Lynn recalled how she told her parents she was planning to emancipate them to make her own decisions and secretly met with lawyers. She recounted her mother’s reaction and support, “she said, ‘Just go baby…’.”

In the Bush Telegraph, Jamie Lynn reflected on her journey with gratitude: “I’m proud of where I’m at now. I don’t share it in a way of being sad or crying about it, but it’s like, I don’t know, I just… I’m really thankful.”

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! continues Tuesday at 9PM on ITV1 and ITVX

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