I’m A Celebrity’s Rebekah Vardy could get her own reality show with husband Jamie


I’m A Celebrity’s Rebekah Vardy and her footballer husband Jamie Vardy could get their own reality show.

According to reports, both ITV and Channel 5 are interested in signing the pair for a ‘fly on the wall’ TV series.

An insider told The Sun newspaper: “Rebekah got the nation talking with her no-nonsense attitude on I’m A Celeb, and bosses think she’d be great for a fly-on-the-wall series.

“And while she appeals to female viewers, Jamie would get guys tuning in.

“They are big personalities and aren’t shy about saying what they think. And with two channels interested, the money could be considerable.”

However the source said that Rebekah was now “extra cautious” about reality TV after being accused of bullying on I’m A Celebrity.

“She was taken aback by some of the negativity she faced coming out of the ­jungle,” the source added, “So it will have to be a ­fantastic deal to tempt her.”

The issue of ‘bullying’ in the I’m A Celebrity camp was a hot topic in the series’ Coming Out special on Friday night.

Finding she had been accused of picking on radio host Iain Lee, Becky broke down: “You know what, I was the one that was being the most supportive of him… A bully? I’ve never been a bully in my whole entire life.”

She later told fellow celeb camper Dennis Wise: “I came out to the biggest s**t storm. And you know I don’t get upset about things and you know I’m really strong but I actually cried in the car. It really upset me.

“Something so strong has been said about not just me. You, Jamie [Lomas], Amir [Khan]. That we were part of a gang.”

It was Toff who won I’m A Celebrity 2017, beating Jamie Lomas into second place. Iain Lee finished third in the live final.