I’m A Celebrity stars battle critters as they compete for more care packages


The I’m A Celebrity 2017 stars had to ‘balance the budget’ in their latest task tonight.

It was the final final head to head challenge between Croc Creek and Snake Rock.

Prime Minister Iain Lee put forward the celebs to take part.

He told both camps: “As PM it falls to me to select campmates from both camps, from Croc Creek I have chosen Dennis, Shappi and myself and from Snake Rock I have chosen Kez, Toff and Vanessa. Teams this is the final head to head battle and I aim to come back with Victory for Croc Creek and all who sail in her”

Kez, Vanessa and Toff spoke in the Bush Telegraph afterwards, “If it’s a balancing thing in terms of height or requires lots of agility then I think it’s quite smart that they’ve picked Dennis but if it’s something about numbers or intelligence then quite frankly I think we’ve got it.

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“Did I just called Dennis thick? I think I might have just insulted Dennis, sorry Dennis” said Kez.

Dennis, Shappi and Iain arrived at the challenge area and were greeted by a Jungle laminate that explained the rules of their challenge. Meanwhile in another area of the Jungle, Toff, Vanessa and Kez arrived to a similar area and also read the instructions of the upcoming challenge.

“So we all have our own boxes and on the 2 outer boxes there are briefcases. We have to use these briefcases to form a table in the middle box. Whoever is in the middle box has to stack coins one by one and whoever has the most coins at the end of the game when the klaxon goes off will win” said Toff.

In addition, the Croc Creek campmates were told if they win they can exchange the prize for the final 2 care packages for Snake Rock.

Both teams started the challenge. Toff and Shappi placed themselves in the middle boxes in their respective teams to stack the coins up on the table.

But just as both teams thought they’d balanced the budget briefcases critters fell down on everyone which made the celebrities jump and caused the stacked coins to fall on the floor, which meant they’d have to start all over again.

Vanessa couldn’t stop screaming which meant her briefcase was moving which meant the coins were falling off the table.

Both teams had coins stacked when the klaxon went off, but who had the most? Well, in a twist, both teams had managed to balance 16 coins so each camp would receive half of the prize which was chocolate biscuits.

Iain and Shappi were offered the chance to swap Croc Creek’s allocation of chocolate biscuits for 1 care package for Snake Rock and they both agreed straight away to do that.

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Iain as PM got on the Jungle podium and read another message out to both camps. He revealed the results of the final head to head challenge was a draw and both camps would get to share the prize. Snake Rock found out it was chocolate biscuits and were over the moon.

Iain later explained to Croc Creek that they’d forfeited the chocolate biscuits so Snake Rock could get a care package. “It’s win, win” said Amir. “A brilliant result” commented Stanley.

I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here continues nightly on ITV with hosts Ant and Dec.

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