Jack Maynard wants to return to the I’m A Celebrity jungle

Jack Maynard says he wants to return to I’m A Celebrity to “prove himself”

The 22-year-old YouTube vlogger left the show just a few days into the series last year.

Now he wants to go back.

“I think I would go back in just to prove myself, I definitely didn’t get the worst of it while I was in there. Maybe I deserved it, I don’t know,” Jack said on ITV’s Good Morning Britain yesterday (Thursday).

Jack was dropped from the show in 2017 over ‘offensive’ tweets as well as alleged inappropriate messages sent to a fan.


Recalling what went on behind the scenes at the time, Jack said: “I got taken out first thing in the morning to the medical hut greeted by producers who said there’s been some accusations.

“I eventually got to the hotel , spoke to my manager and my brother and that’s when I found out what happened. I hadn’t even looked online at that point.”

He went on: “It was completely blown out of my control, I couldn’t do a thing until I was home. That’s why I went straight back to London.”

“If I could have one thing, it would be my younger fans learning from my mistakes,” Jack added. “No matter what or when you put it out, it leaves a footprint.”

Speaking last year, Jack apologised for his past online postings.

“There’s absolutely no excuse for what I said. I don’t know what I was thinking in ever posting anything like that online,” Jack told The Sun. “I am truly, truly, truly sorry about all of the past comments I made.

“They’re totally unacceptable and I’m praying that people learn from this and don’t make the same mistakes that I did — really think about what you’re going to do and how many people it could hurt.”

Jack left the I’m A Celebrity camp after just two days on the show.

A spokesperson for the ‘social media sensation’ said at the time: “In the last few days Jack has been the subject of a succession of media stories which, given his position as a contestant on ‘I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here’ – filmed in the Australian jungle, with no contact with the outside world, he has been unable to respond to.

Jack Maynard,

“Since it is only fair that everyone should be aware of any allegations made against them and should also have the right to defend themselves, it was agreed that it would be better to bring him out of the show.

“Jack agrees with this decision which was made by his representatives and ITV and thanks everyone who has supported him in the show this far.”

I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here airs on ITV.