I’m A Celebrity’s Ruthie Henshall spills all on dating Prince Edward

I’m A Celebrity’s Ruthie Henshall has spilled all on her relationship with Prince Edward.

In this evening’s episode, some of the celebs spoke about their interactions with the Royals.

Shane Richie recalled performing at Buckingham Palace: “It’s incredible, everyone asks did you, steal anything and I got some toilet roll but it was just a normal toilet roll. I was expecting it to have some royal seal on it or something.”

Russell Watson added: “I nicked a coat hanger from Windsor Castle.”

Later, Shane probed Ruthie about her time with Prince Edward.

“It’s funny, it’s such a long time ago,” she said. “Lovely bloke. And I genuinely fell in love with him”.

Ruthie continued: “He was a production assistant at Andrew Lloyd Webber’s. And he then called me himself (Andrew) and he wanted me to play the lead in A Star Is Born. And Edward was my point of contact. He was the one who’d call me up and say you’re rehearsing at 2 o’clock or whatever.

“And he said to me would you like to come to mine and watch the film of A Star Is Born with me and you can have some dinner. I was like what, at the Palace, is that where you live?”

Shane reacted “Is that what he meant? God that is so weird. Watching A Star Is Born with Prince Edward,” before joking: “Her first date was to Buckingham Palace. Can you believe that? Blimey, my first date was Little Chef.”

Shane continued. “So when did you think we’re going to do jiggy boom boom? We’re going to do jiggy boom boom soon. I’m going to be new queen of England.”

“No” protested Ruthie as she explained: “He invited me to Windsor for the weekend as we’re walking I’m seeing a table outside and there’s people sitting round it and I’m thinking that looks like the Queen and I remembered my dad had said to me, ‘If you ever meet the Queen he said you curtsy and call her ma’am’.

“I grab her hand like this (handshake), forget all about the curtsy and I’m like really really pleased to meet you, really pleased to meet you.”

Shane then asked Ruthie about Princess Diana.

“I met her a couple of times and one of my favourite times was, we were at Balmoral, there was Diana, The Queen, Margaret, the Queen Mother, Charles, Edward, myself,” Ruthie recalled. “[Diana] was lovely. I don’t remember an awful lot because Charles gave me my first Martini.

“I’d never tried it before so I was fairly… I had two of them and I was like woah…”

“Don’t tell me you go into show tunes…” teased Shane.

Ruthie laughed: “Margaret goes ‘yes, yes, oh sing us a song from that show you’re in’ and I was in Les Mis at the time. So I sang I Dreamed A Dream and I must have changed key three times because I was so pissed on martinis.”

I’m A Celebrity continues nightly on ITV.