I’m A Celebrity’s Ruthie Henshall and Russell Watson complete secret missions for luxury items

Ruthie Henshall and Russell Watson took on a series of secret challenges in tonight’s show.

In this evening’s episode, Ruthie was in the courtyard washing clothes when suddenly the Jester portrait started talking to her with its eyes moving. The Jester said he had some ‘secret pranks’ for her to do throughout the day for his amusement and if she completed them all correctly then she’d win all the celebrities luxury items.

The Jester told Ruthie her first prank was to get Jordan to massage her bare foot but reminded her ‘be warned, if the other celebrities smell a rat it’s game over’.

Ruthie asked Jordan if he had strong hands and if he could massage her foot because it felt locked. Jordan massaged Ruthie’s foot for her and immediately afterwards washed his hands with sanitizer.

The next, the Jester asked Ruthie to bring Russell in on the fun.

The Jester told Russell and Ruthie that they had to convince their fellow celebrities to give Kiosk Cledwyn the wrong answer in the latest Castle Coin Challenge without anyone smelling a rat.

Beverley and Shane walked up to Kiosk Cledwyn after they’d successfully completed the Castle Coin Challenge and saw they had the option of ready salted crisps or custard creams – they went for the custard creams.

Kiosk Cledwyn called the camp and Ruthie & Russell answered the phone together and told the celebrities the question – What was the first name of Shakespeare when he was baptised, A/William or B/Walter. Ruthie and Russell pushed for Walter so the camp all went along with them and said ‘Walter’.

Kiosk Cledwyn shut his kiosk on Beverley and Shane, they were gutted and returned to camp empty handed.

At first the celebrities thought Beverley and Shane might be tricking them but then they realised they were not, they were disappointed not to have custard creams but didn’t blame Ruthie or Russell.

For the final prank, Russell had to convince his fellow celebrities that he’d seen a ghost.

Russell went to his bed and then screamed really loudly in a panic, everyone rushed over to see if he was okay. Russell said he’d just seen a ghostly figure looking at him, a woman with a white face and grey hair.

Later the Jester told Russell and Ruthie they’d successfully completed the final prank so they would get all 12 luxury items and that they could now tell their fellow campmates what they’d been up to.

Russell and Ruthie called everyone over in the living quarters and revealed to them what they’d been up to all day – the celebrities were all in fits of hysterics and thought it was hilarious.

I’m A Celebrity continues nightly on ITV.