I’m A Celebrity’s Naughty Boy and Adam Woodyatt clash over camp chores

Naughty Boy and Adam Woodyatt were involved in a tense clash on I’m A Celebrity tonight.

The pair rowed over camp chores after being put in charge of keeping the castle tidy by new leader Louise Minchin.

As Louise celebrated sleeping in the Leaders’ bed Naughty Boy said: “The door to go to the toilet is right in front of my bed, it doesn’t close properly and it was freezing last night.”

He added to David as he went to bed: “It’s not fair. I need to have some rest.”

Meanwhile, Adam did the chores without him and said: “I got up this morning. I think I was first one up. I’m on cleaning duty – I share with Naughty; except he was in bed. I just cracked on and did everything except the privy.”

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Adam said: “Seriously, Naughty’s going to wake up and there’s going to be nothing for him to do. He might as well stay in bed all day. Oh, he is…”

Snoochie commented the Telegraph said: “Adam today has turned into ‘Chore Man.’ He’s kind of like ‘Adam Poppins’, doing everything.”

Adam admitted in the Telegraph: “Being in here, it does magnify things. It does affect your reactions to things and simple tasks. Especially when the person you’re supposed to be doing them with is in bed.”

When Naughty Boy woke, Adam sarcastically chirped: “Afternoon!” He then told Naughty Boy he’d done all of the chores apart from the privy.

Naughty Boy explained he hadn’t slept well and sniped: “It’s not the end of the world, Adam.”

Later on the pair talked things out.

Adam said: “I cracked on and did all the chores without giving you a chance. I’m very much a do-er and I think you’re very much a sleeper.”

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Naughty Boy replied: “Not really. I didn’t have a good sleep. I don’t know if you were listening to me. I didn’t sleep well, that’s why I was up late. It’s not necessarily about you doing the chores, you like doing chores, you made me feel bad about not doing them.”

Adam told Naughty Boy: “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”

Naughty Boy insisted: “It’s fine” as the pair fist-bumped.

I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here continues nightly on ITV and ITV Hub.