I’m A Celebrity spoilers! Fatima fumes over camp chores before a storm startles camp


There’s tension in camp on I’m A Celebrity… South Africa tonight.

The new all star series continues with Fatima monitoring the fire during the night, waking Joe up to get him to tend to the flames.

Joe jokes: “If you’re awake, just chuck the wood on the fire? But it’s Fatima, she gets away with it. I do feel love for Fatima.”

joe in the bush telegraph

In the Bush Telegraph, Joe says: “Stacey’s the only other woman who could boss me around in a really nice way and without me realising I’m being bossed around, which is really clever.”

Keen to get people working, Fatima changes up the chore board again.

Jordan says: “I had a good night’s sleep because I was no longer on fire duty… I woke up to Fatima saying: ‘Jordan I’m going to put you back on fire because it’s not going right.’”

Fatima insists: “Everything’s got to work.”

Meanwhile, Janice points out that she’s doing the washing up on her own telling Fatima: “Carol didn’t help with the washing up immediately.”

Janice tells Carol: “You just plopped those dishes down in the sink. I just went and did all the dishes.”

Carol replies: “Did you? Oh well. Oh, great. Well done Janice.”

As night falls, camp is in for a drenching as a huge storm breaks.

Janice says: “The lightning is cracking right over the head of us! I don’t want to sleep out there.”

joe in camp

Joe laughs: “This is good! I love it.”

Toff says: “It’s bad. It’s a big bad storm!”

As camp scurry about trying to keep the rain out of their bags and beds, Phil says: “It was great fun. We sprung into action. We work very well as a team.”

But with half the campmates missing out on a picnic after the latest trial and now facing a rainy night, what mood will they all wake up in and what news is on the way…?

I’m A Celebrity… South Africa continues weeks at 9PM on ITV1 and ITVX.

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