I’m A Celebrity 2022 luxury items revealed – camera, face cream and Sweet Caroline

The I’m A Celebrity 2022 stars received their luxury items on tonight’s show.

Each year, the celebs are able to bring in one special item to make their time on the show a bit more comfortable.

In tonight’s show, new entrants Matt Hancock and Seann Walsh continued to be set a series of secret challenges in order to win the luxury items for camp.

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In the episode, Matt was told to recruit Scarlette Douglas and tell her her mission was to get Mike Tindall to come to the shower and remove a spider on two separate occasions. Seann was told he must recruit Jill Scott and her mission was to tell Charlene White that she turns off Loose Women as she can’t stand the moaning.

They were also told that they had to lead camp in a fictional pre-match warm up routine used by the lionesses.

The moles managed to complete their secret tasks without being rumbled, winning the luxury items.

After dinner, Mike read out a laminate to camp revealing all.

Seann joked: “I can confirm, I’m not a bird watcher.”

Matt confessed to calling Chris Greg intentionally, much to the amusement of camp.

And Jill said she felt terrible about complaining about Loose Women.

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The luxury items then arrive: Scarlette got a framed picture her nieces and nephews had drawn for her. Boy George got his customised shirt from the photoshoot. Seann got a festival chair. Babatúndé got a disposable camera with polaroids.

Matt got a large blanket. Mike got an orthopaedic pillow. Owen got a mug with a photo of him and his grandparents on. Chris got his slippers from home.

Finally, Jill asked for Sweet Caroline to play and everyone joined in, and Charlene got a photo of her kids and got emotional and Sue got face cream.

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! watch the next live episode tomorrow at 9PM (Friday) on ITV and ITV Hub

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