Ibiza Weekender spoilers: Jordan Davies returns with a question for Chyna Ellis

Ibiza Weekender’s Chyna Ellis quits in tonight’s final to be with Jordan Davies.

Jordan was kicked off the ITV2 show in last weekend’s episode.

Tonight, it’s the final episode of the current series and following last week’s shock firing of Jordan all the reps are in the line of fire – especially when El Jefe, David, kicks off the weekend with a fire drill to keep them sharp.

Chyna and Austin are both missing Jordan but its not long before a new set of guests arrive and they throw themselves into the job – Chyna in particular is hoping to prove she is capable.

Meanwhile, assistant head rep Callum is charged with throwing an impromptu birthday party as its one of the girl guest’s birthday.

ibiza cast 2018 cast
Ibiza Reps Deano, Molly, David, Marlie, Jordon and Chyna

The night kicks off with the boy guests determined to have a night to remember – Hayley and Chyna seem to the ones in their sights.

However, as as the night progresses it’s clear that the head man David is feeling a little under the weather and he decides to retire early leaving Chyna in charge.

As soon as his back is turned Austin and Hayley start flirting outrageously – but for Austin what starts out as a bit of fun quickly turns into trouble when he ends up in the girl guests bedroom leaving Hayley feeling more than a little mugged off..

The next day and with Hayley still feeling irritated the guests and some of the reps head off to surf shack just as Jordan surprises Chyna by returning and asking her on a date.

As the series draws to an end the guests leave happy and Hayley is keen to forgive Austin with the hope of something more to come.

At the end of the season, Chyna left being forced to decide if she wishes to head off into the sunset with Jordan or stay and rep – leaving David’s team potentially depleted yet again

David calls the final meeting and as they all wonder where Chyna is he gets a text from her saying she is not coming back – choosing love over her job as she and Jordan disappear into the sunset.

Ibiza Rep Jordan
Ibiza Rep Jordan

David and Callum – el jefe and assistant el jefe – are left to pick up the pieces of the team as they ready themselves for the next adventures.

Ibiza Weekender airs tonight (March 18) on ITV2 at 9PM.

You can catch up online via the ITV Hub here.