Here’s what the last Big Brother UK house looks like now


Here’s what’s left of the previous Big Brother house as the show prepares to return to TV.

Big Brother was last broadcast in 2018 on Channel 5 after first airing in 2000 on Channel 4.

And in a picture shared by Rylan from Elstree Studios reveals that the show’s famous house is no more.

Posting a photograph in 2020 of what is now just a concrete wasteland, Rylan wrote on Instagram: “2 years ago today we said goodbye to the house. Took a few mins this afternoon to remember.

“To some it could have been just a job but to me it changed my entire life. Went back to the “house” today to reminisce . We’ll be back one day. Miss you Big Bro xxx #bbuk”


Big Brother’s big return

Big Brother is set to return this year on ITV2 in a brand new house.

A fresh ensemble of meticulously chosen housemates, representing diverse backgrounds, will become inhabitants of the world’s most renowned reality TV abode for a duration of up to six weeks.

As ever, every move they make will be meticulously captured by cameras, while the entire nation follows their captivating journey of twists and turns.

The entire spectacle will unfold within the hallowed walls of the iconic Big Brother residence, which is undergoing a contemporary makeover in preparation for this innovative reimagining of the series.

Engaging challenges, heart-pounding nominations, and electrifying live evictions will all make a comeback, with the public once again assuming a pivotal role.

As ITV prepare to revive the series, a new house is set to be constructed in North London at Garden Studios, close to Wembley

After plenty of rumours, AJ Odudu and Will Best have been officially announced as the new hosts of Big Brother.

They’ll host both the main show and a nightly spin-off, while live feed is also confirmed to be returning.

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