Great British Bake Off 2017 winner reveals plans for a patisserie book


Great British Bake Off 2017 winner Sophie Faldo has revealed hopes of writing a cooking book.

The Great British Bake Off concluded its first series on Channel 4 last night.

Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith judged 12 Bakers with 30 Challenges over 10 weeks for the eighth series of The Great British Bake Off. From fabulous Illusion Cakes and Fortune Cookies to Stroopwafel and Pasteis de Nata, the Bakers dropped Clangers, gave respect to Italian week and rose to the challenge in Bread week, as they battled it out in the iconic white tent.

Ending on a fabulous Final of small breads, iced biscuits and a Showstopper Entremet, Sophie was crowned winner of The Great British Bake Off 2017.

At the end of the episode, Sophie said “I am sure it will sink in but it hasn’t quite yet. The idea of winning was such a minute possibility. I don’t think I will forget this day for as long as I live. I have met some brilliant people and I got to the Final. It is beyond anything I have dreamed of. What a privilege.”

The Great British Bake Off Winner 2017, Sophie said about her win: “It was very surreal, and I hadn’t allowed myself to think that I could win it up to that moment in time when they said my name and then the enormity of it hit me.

“I rarely got nervous in the tent, but on the second day of the Final, I felt it was a neck and neck race. I also knew everything was riding on my Showstopper, so I knew how important it was that I got it right.”

Revealing her plans for the future, Sophie said: “I never ever dreamed I would get to the final, let alone winning, so I am not sure where I will go from here. It would be wonderful to write a Patisserie book, but let’s see what comes my way. I would like to try travelling the world for inspiration for starters!”

She added: “Bake Off has broadened my baking expertise, but my biggest love has to be patisserie. It inspired me to go further than just decorating cakes. I don’t tend to make the same cake twice as I like to use every opportunity to develop my skills and learn.”

Sophie and all the Bakers will join Jo Brand on The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice on Thursday 2 November at 10.00 pm on Channel 4.