Gordon Ramsay on Cocaine exposes “cocaine’s glamorous image”

Gordon Ramsay on Cocaine continues tonight on ITV.

Gordon Ramsay on Cocaine is a new two-part documentary series which began last week and is back on ITV tonight at 9Pm, Thursday, October 26.

We see the popular celeb chef like never seen him before as he looks into cocaine’s image in popular culture, exposing how behind the powder many Brits consume as part of a night out, lies a trail of criminality, cruelty and death driving its global trade.

“I saw cocaine quite early on in my career. I’ve been served it. I’ve been given it. I’ve had my hand shaken and left with little wraps of foil in it. I’ve been asked to dust cocaine on top of soufflés, to put it on as icing sugar…Coke’s everywhere. It’s spiralling out of control.” Gordon Ramsay says.

During the series Gordon will travel to South and Central America where he witnesses the illegal “cooking” process by which the drug is made, meets hired assassins and a big time drug-smuggler.

Gordon is also witness to the immediate aftermath of a suspected cocaine-related murder and experiences the harsh reality of the ‘war on drugs’ by joining an elite Colombian anti-narcotics unit on a helicopter raid.

Back in the UK, Gordon joins police looking to catch coke-taking drug-drivers, witnesses the arrest of couriers on their way to a major deal carrying tens of thousands of pounds and handles 30 kilos of freshly confiscated cocaine at a police testing lab.

And he reflects on the challenge of tackling the damage done by cocaine, regarded by many casual users as harmless fun, as he meets a UK dealer and a recovering addict.

Britain is the biggest user of cocaine in Europe, consuming 30 tonnes of the drug every year. In Gordon’s own business, the restaurant trade, it’s rife. He’s witnessed it wreck the careers of colleagues and tragically he lost his close friend and chef protégé to a cocaine overdose in 2003.

Gordon says: “With soaring cocaine deaths in Britain and along the coke supply chain, I’m determined to understand the criminal business behind this deadly drug.”

Gordon Ramsay on Cocaine, continues this evening Thursday October 26, 9PM on ITV.

Part 1 is available now on the ITVHub.