Frankie Bridge spills all on her time in I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here

Frankie Bridge has spilled all on her time in I’m A Celebrity with a chat on Loose Women.

Frankie finished third in the final of the ITV series on Sunday night as Danny Miller was crowned King Of The Castle.

Joining live from Wales, Frankie told her Loose Women co-stars today: “It just feels so mad to be out. I’m free guys! It’s just crazy. I’m so happy to see you girls!”

She said of being reunited with husband Wayne and her children: “I’m not home yet, I’m still in Wales. So I’ve FaceTimed them, and I’ve told them when I get home, they all have to sit on the sofa with me and no one’s allowed to leave until I say so!”

Frankie added: “That was the hardest part of the whole thing. I always knew it would be. It’s strange, we’re so used to having our phones if we’re ever away, you can get updates and videos and just not being able to talk to them on a daily basis, just to check in with them and tell them I love them, that was really difficult.”

The Saturdays star then spoke about her final trial which saw her locked in a box with 50 snakes.

“For someone who’s claustrophobic, even before the snakes were in there, it was quite difficult and I was strapped in,” Frankie recalled. “Wayne is always singing the song, ‘Every little thing is going to be alright,’ so that was going through my head, it reminded me of the boys and made me feel calm.

“Then Sweet Caroline popped into my head for some unknown reason. I was too scared to scream, so I thought, “Stay still and calm and they may be my friends.'”

On doing the eating trial, Frankie revealed: “I knew when I went into the show that the eating trial would be the hardest for me and the drinking trial would be even worse and obviously that was the first one I’ve got. It was really difficult. When you’re drinking it, you do end up having to chew whatever’s at the bottom… I’ve never drunk that amount of liquid in that short space of time.

“You know, I’m not really a pint girl… my stomach was absolutely killing me. It was really difficult. I’ve got a real fear of being sick and I was feeling really sick after it and I won this amazing meal and I couldn’t even eat it!”

Frankie also spoke about friction in camp, sharing: “You know what, it was fine. I think we were really lucky. Everyone genuinely got on really well, we fell into this weird, dysfunctional family role very quickly.”

She added: “I’m not someone who cooks, especially rice, I love a bit of microwaveable rice, so I’ve got no idea. There seemed to be some sort of rice gate… I hate confrontation. I was trying to explain to Naughty that the whole rice pudding thing, we’re not saying it’s rice pudding, this is how we just did it previously… but he didn’t let me finish, so it ended up being a slight confrontation, but 10 minutes later, it was absolutely fine.

“You live at home with the people you love and they annoy you sometimes… We met on the show and had to learn to live with each other very quickly, so these things will happen.”

On the friendships continuing outside of the castle, Frankie said: “I hope so. If any of them try to ignore me, I’ll keep ringing them. There are some real strong relationships made in there. We’ve shared something together that no one else has experienced.”

And at the end of the interview, Frankie told the panel: “I can’t wait to get back to the studio and see you guys, I’ve genuinely missed you… I can’t wait to get back there and have a proper natter!”

Loose Women airs 12:30PM weekdays on ITV. To watch the show in full visit