Flirty Dancing: Meet the first singletons looking for love in new dance dating show


Flirty Dancing starts it’s brand new series tonight but who are the singletons looking for love?

Flirty Dancing kicks off its first series this evening, Thursday, January 10 at 10PM on Channel 4.

The show sees self-confessed romantic Ashley Banjo, play cupid using his skills as Britain’s best loved choreographer to bring people together through the art of dance.

Ashley, who rose to fame in Britan’s Got Talent dance group Diversity, explained the idea: “It’s like a blind date, but rather than meet up with somebody and then do something more conventional like go to a bar or to a restaurant, you don’t speak to this person. You don’t know who they are. You don’t even quite know where you’ll meet them, but you’ll bump into somebody.

“You’ll hear the music start to play that you’ve been rehearsing to for a week, but the person that you’re dancing with, it’s the first time you’ve ever seen them, and you have a few minutes to dance with that person, to do a choreographed routine.

“Then, once it’s finished you decide if you like them, what they made you feel like, and if you want to actually see them to go out on a second date. You don’t even get to speak to that person, it’s all based on how that dance with them made you feel.”

If the dancers find there is a chemistry between them, they can decide to meet again. Will it be love at first dance?

In episode one tonight, Ashley helps senior event manager Hannah, who is 30 and has been single for two years. Ashley matches Hannah with e-commerce manager James, from north London, who is 31 and has exhausted dating apps in his quest to find Mrs Right.

Also in need of Ashley’s help is Dan (34), a civil servant, and graphic designer Luke (29). Dan is a world line-dancing champion. But while he might be confident in his dance ability, he isn’t so self-assured when it comes to finding a perfect match. Luke describes his love life as a bit of a hot mess as he looks to find a new leading man.

There are five episodes of Flirty Dancing. The show is next on next Thursday (January 17) at 10PM. You can catch up and watch episodes online from