First look as The Greatest Dancer judges pick contestants for the live shows


The Greatest Dancer final nine acts are revealed in tonight’s episode on BBC One.

This evening’s show at 7:30PM on BBC One sees the final auditions before callbacks begin.

Over the past four weekends we’ve seen dancers aged 7 and up, perform any dance style in The Greatest Dancer studio in their bid to impress the audience. If 75 per cent of the audience voted, the mirror opened, sending them through to the callbacks.

Now the three superstar Dance Captains Cheryl, Matthew Morrison and Oti Mabuse have the tough job of whittling down the acts who the mirror opened for and deciding upon their Final 3 to mentor in the Live Challenge Shows.

In tonight’s show, all the successful acts are gathered in London.

The Greatest Dancer - Ep 4

“Today we’ve a massive task ahead of us. We have to take everyone who had a mirror open for them and whittle them down to the final nine,” says Matthew.

“It’s up to us to make this big decision that will decide the rest of their careers,” Oti adds.

Cheryl tells the cameras: “We’re going to lose a lot of talent today. You want to choose the right person for you, the right person for them. Up until now the audience has had all the control but now we have all the power.”

Cheryl, Oti and Matthew go through the acts from the auditions before they each shortlist acts they want to mentor.

Cheryl says: “What I’m looking for is someone with the potential to step up from the level we’ve seen.”

Matthew says: “I want energy, excitement and fun. That’s what dancing is, it’s just joy.”

Oti adds: “I want something that I’m going to remember and I want to feel something.”

The Greatest Dancer - Ep 4

The shortlisted acts are then each split into three groups where they meet their potential mentor.

There, Oti, Cheryl and Matthew reveal their final three acts for the challenge rounds.

The Greatest Dancer final nine will be revealed on Saturday 26th January 7:30pm on BBC One

Starting next weekend, the live shows will see each of the dancers take on a challenge with their Dance Captain to create an unforgettable performance. For the first time the power is in the hands of the viewers at home, as they vote to decide who stays in the competition each week and who will become The Greatest Dancer.