Air Fryers vs Microwaves: Which Is Better? (Channel 5)

Microwaves vs Air Fryers: Which is Better

The kitchen has a new champion of convenience: the air fryer. It’s dethroned the microwave, long the nation’s go-to for quick, easy meals.

However, the microwave loyalists aren’t conceding defeat. A new wave of gadgets is emerging, promising faster, tastier, and crisper meals than ever.

This show delves into this intense rivalry over several rounds, pitting the trusty microwave – a staple in 90% of British homes – against the air fryer. The challenge covers speed, convenience, cost, and taste, with multiple taste testers weighing in.

We explore their unexpected beginnings – both emerged from military innovations at the end of World War II. These kitchen technologies have since revolutionised our lives. The microwave was an accidental discovery, while the air fryer was the brainchild of a Dutch engineer. Imagine cooking dinner without them!

The question is: should you side with Team Microwave or switch to Team Air Fryer? Both are time-savers, but when parents race to prepare dinner from scratch using their preferred device, who will triumph?

It’s not just about saving time. We also consider their impact on the wallet, especially for budget-conscious students. With soaring energy costs and the UK facing a cost-of-living crisis, these appliances offer a financial breather. They may even offer surprises. From a nine-minute curry to fish and chips that rival any seaside fare, these devices are powerful and might change your cooking habits.

But who will emerge victorious in this kitchen showdown? Can both appliances coexist on our counter tops, or will one reign supreme?

Air Fryers vs Microwaves: Which Is Better? airs on Channel 5 on Wednesday, 3 January 2024 at 8:00PM.