Danny John-Jules ‘won’t appear in the Strictly Come Dancing final’


Danny John-Jules will reportedly avoid the Strictly Come Dancing final, it’s been claimed.

Last weekend saw the then nine remaining celebrity and pro couples all danced live one more time before the judges scored and viewers voted. In the dance off, Graeme Swann and Danny John-Jules had to dance again and it was Danny who left in this week’s Strictly Come Dancing results.

It wasn’t a unanimous decision from the judges, with Craig saving Danny but the others all voted to save Graeme, who was in the dance-off for a second time.

Danny’s exit came after claims of a nasty backstage bust up between himself and his pro partner Amy Dowden.

Now it’s claimed that he has vowed not to appear on this year’s live final, where the contestants typically reunite.

A source told The Sun newspaper: “Danny is done with the show and has told bosses he won’t be appearing on the show finale, when all the former contestants usually return.

“He’s really unhappy with how he’s been treated and has told them he won’t be back. Nobody knows if he’ll show up for the final show.”

A spokesperson for Strictly insisted that all the celebs will be invited to the final.

They said: “Every year all of our celebrities are invited back for the grand final at the end of the series. This year is no different and we look forward to reuniting them all once more.”

It comes after Danny didn’t appear on It Takes Two on Monday after his elimination.

Instead, Zoe Ball introduced Amy alone, telling viewers: “Sadly, Danny has decided not to join us tonight.”

No exact reason was given for Danny’s no-show, as Amy told Zoe about leaving: “Obviously I was super emotional last night. I told myself I’m not going to cry tonight. I’m somebody whose glass is always half-full. We did some amazing performances – we got the first ten of the series.

“It’s a dream job and I’m just very lucky to have had the opportunity – and I got further than last year!”

The remaining eight couples will take to the dancefloor this Saturday when Strictly Come Dancing returns on Saturday 17th November at 6.45pm live from the Blackpool Tower Ballroom.

The next results show airs on Sunday 18th November at 7.20pm on BBC One.