Dancing On Ice ‘hoping to sign big names as they up the budget for new series’


ITV are said to have upped the budget for Dancing On Ice in a bid to lure big names.

A new series of Dancing On Ice is expected to begin in the winter – subject to any lockdown and social distancing restrictions.

Casting for the 2021 season is said to be well underway with The Sun newspaper reporting that ITV are keen to secure some “top talent”.

A source shared: “ITV have taken a hit like all the broadcasters so they’re pumping cash into the show in a bid to make it a real ratings winner again.

“The budget for talent has been inflated so they can splash out on a couple of really big names.”

They added: “Dancing On Ice has increased in popularity over the years and now it’s picked up a real following, they want to keep the momentum high.”

The insider added that potential celebrities would spend some time on the ice over the summer before the official line up is confirmed later this year.

Names rumoured for the next season include Stacey Solomon after her partner Joe Swash won this year’s show.

“I’d definitely put Stacey on the ice. She can get an idea of how hard it is!” Joe said previously. “I don’t think anyone realises how tough it is until you do it.”

Meanwhile, ITV are said to have made back up plans if the 2021 season is forced off air due to the ongoing global health crisis.

The current restrictions have already forced the cancellation and postponement of several shows from Eurovision to Love Island.

In case the same things happen to Dancing On Ice, ITV have reportedly filmed a series of special episodes featuring Christopher Dean and Jayne Torvill together with behind the scenes clips.