Dancing On Ice 2019 results anger viewers as second celeb goes home

Dancing On Ice 2018 viewers have lashed out following tonight’s results.

This evening saw the eleven remaining couples skate live for a second time, before another went home.

At the end of each routine the judges – Jayne Torvill, Christopher Dean, Jason Gardiner and Ashley Banjo – gave their comments and marks out of 10 before viewers could vote for their favourite.

The judges scores were then combined with the viewer’s votes before the bottom two couples were revealed as Loose Women star Saira Khan and comedian and actor Richard Blackwood

The judging panel chose who to save and who to send home, and it was Richard who left Dancing On Ice this week. Both Ashley and Jason saved Richard, but Chris and head judge Jayne saved Saira and so she stayed.

The result proved controversial, with many slamming the judges’ choice.

One wrote: “What an absolute joke @DOI2019 Richard Blackwood was skating. Saira was being pushed and steered and did nothing. I’m an avid fan but I may not bother with the rest of the series if this is how it’s going to be. Outrageous. #fix #ripoff #poorjudging”

Another added: “So the dancer that got carried around the entire ice goes through, and Richard who actually skated goes home… #DancingOnIce”

“Eh?! Saira’s skates barely touched the ice. Richard was robbed. #DancingOnIce,” agreed a third.

Others complained as Gemma Collins missed out on the skate off despite ranking bottom of the leaderboard.

Posted on fan on Twitter: “I am absolutely disgusted. Gemma Collins did absolutely no skating whatsoever then threw a hissy fit. Neither Richard or Saira deserved to be in the skate off. It’s so unfair.#DancingOnIce”

“#DancingOnIce that is so unfair to Richard & saira that Gemma is not in the skate off,” concurred another viewer.

“Richard Blackwood got right dun over by Gemma Collins, without a doubt she should have gone. No accounting for taste. #DancingOnIce,” added another user.

Dancing On Ice 2018 will continue next Sunday night on ITV.