Cruising with Susan Calman (The Douro)

Cruising with Susan Calman in Spain
Cruising with Susan Calman s3 ep4 and 5 Douro River, Spain

In the latest episodes of her new TV series, Susan embarks on a serene journey down the Douro Valley, renowned for its breath-taking terraced vineyards and wineries, pivotal in the region’s port wine production.

This scenic voyage spans both Portugal and Spain.

Her adventure begins in Porto, where she bravely overcomes her acrophobia on the city’s cable car. Once grounded, she joins her ship as it faces an immense challenge – navigating the Carrapatelo lock, Europe’s largest lock, crucial in domesticating the once wild river for safe passage.

Along the way, Susan makes new friends on the cruise and together they explore the Casa Mateus Palace and Gardens in Vila Real. Further along the river, Susan is transported back in time at Almeida, experiencing a siege re-enactment that brings history to life.

The journey continues into Spain, where Susan visits Salamanca. Here, she hones her Spanish skills, successfully ordering tapas and enjoying the company of her fellow cruise passengers during a mesmerising flamenco performance.

The episode concludes with a visit to the Casa Lis Museum, where Susan admires its exquisite art deco collection and ornamental glass.

In the second half of her trip,Susan, along with a merry band of newfound friends from the cruise, embarks on a vineyard excursion to Quinta São Luiz, a venerable port house renowned throughout Portugal.

There, she witnesses an unconventional and astonishing method of opening a bottle. Following a brief tasting session, Susan indulges in a soothing spa treatment in Lamego, discovering the local custom of grape-based baths!

The adventure continues in Pinhão, where Susan exchanges the cruise ship for a train, enjoying a picturesque journey along the Douro River’s edges.

Upon returning to Porto, she dives into some souvenir hunting and savours a lunch featuring the francesinha, a unique sandwich that stands out in Susan’s culinary experiences.

Porto holds a few more surprises for Susan before her departure. A group of student musicians, known as Tunas, delight her with traditional melodies. Her journey concludes with a heartfelt goodbye from aboard one of the historic Rabelo boats, which gracefully navigate the Douro River.

Cruising with Susan Calman airs on Channel 5 on Fridays at 8:00PM.