Code Blue: Murder investigates The Murder of John ‘Jack’ Williams

ITV documentary Code Blue: Murder continues tonight with the second of two specials.

This evening’s episode – Thursday, April 11 at 9PM on ITV – tells the story of The Murder of John ‘Jack’ Williams.

Part of ITV’s Crime and Punishment season, Code Blue: Murder follows detectives from the first ‘Code Blue’ call to the crime scene, through to the convictions of the killers.

In tonight’s second programme, detectives are called out to an address in Swansea where the body of John Williams, known as Jack, has been found tied up with head injuries, apparently the victim of a brutal attack. The only potential motive officers can find is a substantial amount of cannabis scattered around the property – including what looks like a growing set-up in the attic.

The force’s head of major crime, Det Supt Richard Jones, tells his team: “There’s an awful lot to be done, it’s really about the detail to build this picture about his movements.

“I am sure the answer is out there somewhere. It’s a category A, it’s undetected and as things stand we’ve got no suspects.”

A neighbour provides a first lead when she says a distinctively-dressed woman came to her door asking where Jack lived on the night he died. Then the woman is seen with two other men on another neighbour’s CCTV coming out of Jack’s house.

When a detective recognises the woman, Gemma Owens, the police realise one of the men with her could be Jonathan Donne – who is well-known to them and has reportedly previously attacked cannabis cultivators in their homes.

A manhunt follows involving firearms police as Owens and Donne are eventually arrested together with Simon Cairns, who owned the car in which Donne and Owens travelled to Jack’s house.

Meanwhile, Jack’s family is left to reflect on his memory.

His brother David says: “He was my best friend, he was my confidant. The old saying is you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone, and that’s very true. He’s always in my mind and in my heart.”

At trial, Donne is found guilty of murder and robbery and jailed for a minimum of 31 years. Owens and Cairns were acquitted of all charges.

Code Blue: Murder – he Murder of John ‘Jack’ Williams – airs on ITV at 9PM on April 11.

The first episode last week focused on The Murder of Katherine Smith. You can catch up on episodes online via the ITV Hub.