Channel 5 causes controversy by ranking Britain’s Favourite Crisps


A Channel 5 TV show which ranked the UK’s favourite crisps has caused outrage with the British public.

Channel 5 spent two hours on Sunday night ranking the top brands and flavours of crisps.

Well with Big Brother now gone, they’ve got plenty of air time to fill.

Britain’s Favourite Crisps saw a countdown of the nation’s 20 most popular flavours and brands of crisps.

A number of celebrities offered up their own opinions and thoughts on the top 20.

The final ranking however has prompted an outrage that only the British could create.

Original flavour Pringles, Chilli Heatwave Doritos and Salt and Vinegar Walkers topped the Channel 5 ranking.

One outraged fan joked about ringing Ofcom over the results.

“Just rang Ofcom! How are Monster Munch not top 3? Sick of all these fake shows making s**t up! #britainsfavouritecrisps,” wrote one viewer on Twitter.

Another reacted: “Feel like I’m going to be sick, Why on earth on Original flavoured Pringles in God tier?”

And a third raged: “HOW ARE MONSTER MUCH OUTSIDE THE TOO 10?!?!? ? I’m about to smash the television. #BritainsFavouriteCrisps”

There was also much controversy over the inclusion of Mini Cheddars on the ballot, which even prompted their Wikipedia page to be edited.

One user shared on Twitter: “Outrageous, once again the public can not be trusted, we need a second peoples vote, let’s be clear Mini Cheddars are not crisps”

mini cheddars wikipedia
via Twitter/@WillPitman


But what everyone seemed to agree on was that the show provided a lot of people with a much needed distraction.

Twitter user @DrSuzYoung posted “Loving Twitter this morning!!There’s no talk of Brexit on my Twitter this morning, oh no, my feed is filled with academics debating crisps! ‘Does it need to be made of potato to be a crisp? Surely mini cheddars are savoury snacks?’ This has made my morning ?”

If you missed it, you can watch Channel 5’s Britain’s Favourite Crisps online here.