Britain’s Got Talent spoilers! Five acts to watch out for this year


Britain’s Got Talent 2018 begins this Saturday and here are some of the acts that await us.

Ahead of the first round of auditions, the judges have been teasing what’s to come from the series.

From choirs and dance acts, to a group of mysterious aliens and a musician skilled in the classical Russian jaw harp, the Britain’s Got Talent judges have seen it all.

Here are just a handful of the acts to look out for this year…

The one with the plate smashing

Amanda Holden teases: “This poor guy was on stage and we could see that he has plates lined up and he was playing Greek music. All of a sudden David gets on the stage and so I said to Alesha, ‘Do you know what? Let’s get on the stage as well’.

bgt reaction alesha got talent

“It turned into the end of Bugsy Malone, where they have splurge guns except we were using crockery! It was carnage, there was water everywhere, I threw peanuts, Simon threw mugs, it was an absolute mess at the end. I turned to the right and saw the exec with her hands on her hips starring at us like a headmistress. I went hot and was like, ‘Oh god, we’re going to get done!’.”

DJ Murray Mint

“That all went mental as well,” Amanda says of DJ Murray Mint’s audition. “A cheese board came out! I ate a piece of cheese, I mean, that’s shocking in itself! I only ever eat avocado and spinach!

“He was a DJ with cheesy songs and we all did the routines and got into the vibe. When we get to let our hair down it’s phenomenal. The fact we’re all up for it and game for a laugh, we don’t care if our outfits get messed up or we break a nail, I mean, Alesha and I like to look good but we’re not girly girls, we want to have fun and oh my god, we all had fun.”

The B – Positive choir

Amanda says B – Positive’s audition left her particularly emotional.

She explains: “It was very dramatic for me; the National Health Service has had a massive impact on my family. I champion them all the time. I did hemorrhage so blood donors saved my life.

“So when this choir came on wanting to raise awareness, specifically there to talk about getting more Afro-Caribbean people to donate their blood, I found it really emotional and thought what an amazing way it was to raise awareness of sickle cell and donating blood in general.”

Hollie, a victim of the Manchester bombing

Hollie auditions as part of a unique dance group, following last year’s Manchester Arena attack.

“God only knows how she dealt with that at her age, the affect it must still have,” Alesha says. “The fact that she got together with a bunch of friends and did something, more than just an act, it was a statement. It showed that the cowards can’t win and that she overcame it.

Simon-Cowell cry

“I thought it was respectful, it was one of those moments I will never, ever forget. To come back in front of a theatre, and think about that for a moment after everything she’s been through – and in Manchester – you just have to go, ‘Respect’. I saw the friendship and their bond. I was so happy that they trusted us enough to come on our show. It was a good thing.”

The surprise comic

David Walliams teased: “There was one man who came on who, because of his disability, is unable to speak, which you might think would be tough for a stand- up comic. But he has a pre-programmed computer, which provides the words.

“He had a really witty routine which was really funny. I must admit, it was something I have never seen before. He was really funny, so surprising and original. I love that.”

Britain’s Got Talent airs on Saturday 14th April, 8pm on ITV.