Big Brother’s best bits show gets big ratings for E4 as fans beg for full series

A special series of Big Brother best bits made its debut on E4 last night.

Davina McCall and Rylan Clark-Neal are hosting a nightly look back at some of BBUK’s most iconic episodes in Big Brother: Best Shows Ever.

The first instalment on Sunday night (June 14) achieved an average audience of just under 700,000 viewers, almost triple the slot average for E4.

#BBUK became the number 1 trend on Twitter as fans begged for a full revival of the reality show.

“Please please please bring it back #BBUK” one wrote.

Another posted: “Nasty Nick in Big Brother. Sensational tele. Bring it back! #BBUK”

Agreed a third: “Come on @E4Tweets we need #BBUK back on our screens next year.”

And former CBB housemate India Willoughby posted: “The fact a re-run of ancient Big Brother on a small channel is trending tells you everything about how much love there is for this show. Think it’s coming back. #BBUK #BigBrother”

For now, Big Brother: Best Shows Ever continues at 9PM on E4 nightly Sunday-Thursdays for two weeks.

Introducing Sunday’s episode, Rylan said: “We are going to be showing episodes just as they went out on air, so the same aspect ratio, not all in HD, nothing like that.

“But remember some of the episodes back then were shorter than they are now so we have bolted a few together.

“And as ever, as I’m sure you’re aware, there are some things that we have taken out of a few shows that just didn’t feel right for 2020.”

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