Big Brother spoiler! First twist sees one housemate at risk of first eviction

Big Brother has unveiled the very first twist of its brand new series.

The launch show this evening began with the entrance of sixteen housemates.

And it wasn’t long before Big Brother started to play some games with the group – quite literally.

Olivia in the Big Brother Diary Room

After a game of musical statues and hide and seek, Big Brother gathered the group for a game of pass the parcel.

When the music stopped, the person holding the parcel had to unwrap a layer which revealed a question they had to answer about the first impressions of their fellow housemates.

The last layer saw Jekin asked which of his fellow housemates he thought would be hardest to live with, picking Olivia.

Big Brother then revealed that, as a result, Olivia would be facing the first eviction this Friday night.

An unhappy Olivia stormed off to the bathroom, complaining: ” I f**king knew this was going to happen.”

Meanwhile Jenkin reacted: “She hates me now, she’s fuming.”

However, Big Brother soon dropped a surprise as he spoke to Olivia in the Diary Room.

Giving Olivia a chance to change her fate, Big Brother said: “In 24 hours, the housemates will rank themselves from most to least entertaining. If you avoid being ranked least entertaining, you will save yourself and win immunity from the first eviction.”

Stay tuned to see how Olivia gets on…

Meanwhile, Big Brother’s game also saw Kerry name Jenkin as the housemate with the most questionable dress sense, resulting in him being deprived of his suitcase.

And Dylan was forced to sleep on the floor after being named as the housemate who would be hardest to share a bed with.

Big Brother continues its new series nightly on ITV2 and ITVX Sunday – Friday nights.

A diverse group of housemates reside in the renowned Big Brother house for up to six weeks, with constant camera surveillance and a nationwide audience watching their every move.

The iconic house has undergone a contemporary transformation for this reboot, bringing back challenging tasks, suspenseful nominations, and live evictions. The public’s votes will once again play a pivotal role in determining the winner, who will receive a life-changing cash prize.

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