The Apprentice 2017 candidates rack up mistakes in advertising task


Here’s your spoiler-filled preview of The Apprentice 2017 ahead of tonight’s latest task.

And it’s a good’un.

This week’s task gets into gear at the Dunton Technical Centre in Essex, the research and development HQ for a leading car manufacturer.

The teams are briefed by Lord Sugar to create an advertising campaign for two brand new cars coming out of the factory.

The teams split into two sub-teams – one half must produce a television advert, and the other creates a digital poster to be displayed on the London underground.

As the candidates struggle with creativity, a confusing car name and loopy filming location result in a major diversion for one team.

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Team Graphene choose to set their car advert in a Norman Village thinking it would have the quaint country cottages they envisaged, not realising they have actually chosen a medieval settlement.

Elizabeth tells James as they arrive at their choice of location for the TV advert: “I don’t mean to be funny James, but we’re scuppered.”

While on the other team, a lack of direction and poor handling leads them off track.

Team Vitality dismiss Anisa’s suggestion of being project manager, despite her significant marketing industry experience.

Andrew is then left frustrated his team aren’t listening to him: “Jade and Michaela are very big characters, and getting a word in edgeways is next to impossible quite frankly.”

As the task enters the final stretch, both teams pitch their finished campaigns to industry experts.

Team Vitality’s choice of car name ‘MIAMI’ confuses both advertising experts and members of the public into thinking it’s a holiday car rental advert.

Back in the boardroom, some candidates are penalised for backseat driving while others are told to belt up. Eventually, Lord Sugar puts the breaks on for good as he announces – “You’re Fired!”

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Tune in to find out who is next to hear Lord Sugar’s immortal words ‘You’re Fired!’ on Wednesday 15th November, 9.00PM on BBC One and BBC One HD.

Then straight after, Join host Rhod Gilbert on You’re Fired! on BBC Two at 10pm.

He’ll be joined by guests Katy Brand – Comedian, Gaby Roslin – TV Presenter and Zaid Al-Zaidy – Advertising Guru for a fresh and unique take on the highlights of The Apprentice as well as the first exclusive interview with the fired candidate.

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