The Apprentice 2017 candidates must avoid fashion fails in latest task


The Apprentice 2017 candidates are tasked with putting on fashion shows in tonight’s show.

The final of The Apprentice is drawing ever nearer and this week Lord Sugar gathers candidates at Somerset House where the task is revealed.

For their latest challenge, the remaining contestants must become fashion agents that must sell a range of garments for up and coming designers.

The two rival teams have to select a designer, then plan and organise a catwalk show, as well as put together a magazine cover to supplement their sales campaign.

On one team a lack of fashion sense leads to handbags at dawn, and a no frills magazine pitch ruffles a few feathers.

The Apprentice 2017 fashion task

The Apprentice 2017 fashion task

On the other team a bad negotiation leaves them exposed, and further embarrassment comes from mismatched information about their chosen designer.

Team Vitality promote the fashion designer they are working with by using her real name, rather than her brand name as she asks them to do

Meanwhile, Team Graphene struggle to impress the magazine they are pitching to with their front cover design

During the task, Michaela reacts to the notion that she will be interviewing a group of male models later in the day: “It’s going to get hot today”

Elizabeth gets frustrated with Joanna in another clash: “Do you want me to direct it, or do you want me to make a mess of it?”

Joanna says of working with Elizabeth: “Elizabeth is 100% a control freak, people have said it before. She is still trying to overcomplicate stuff that should have been simple.”

Elsewhere, Jade takes a risk with her choice of clothes to sell.

She says: “In fashion you have to take risks, and in this task that’s exactly what I did. I’m feeling exhausted, but I just really hope it pays off.”

But Harrison comments on the fashion collection that Jade has picked for their team: “It reminds me of one of those things that, when you are freezing cold, the paramedics put over you.”

The Apprentice 2017 fashion task

At the end of the day, in the boardroom candidates have to button up whilst Lord Sugar unravels the task and gives them a dressing down, as he decides who’s so last season – “You’re Fired!”

Tune in to find out who is next to hear Lord Sugar’s immortal words ‘You’re Fired!’ on Wednesday 6th December, 9pm on BBC One and BBC One HD

Straight after the main show, join host Rhod Gilbert on You’re Fired! on BBC Two at 10pm alongside guests Dane Baptiste, Angela Scanlon and Patrick Grant for a fresh and unique take on the highlights of The Apprentice as well as the first exclusive interview with the fired candidate

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