Who won The Apprentice 2019? Winner revealed after final task

The Apprentice 2019 winner revealed: Who won The Apprentice UK

The Apprentice 2019 winner has been revealed by Lord Sugar in the final task.

After 12 weeks of competition, tough tasks and battles both in and out of the boardroom, this evening was The Apprentice 2019 final.

Carina Lepore and Scarlett Allen-Horton were the final two and they had to launch their businesses.

The pair then faced off in the boardroom with Lord Sugar one last time before the winner was declared.

Who won The Apprentice 2019?

After a tense final boardroom, Lord Sugar named Carina Lepore as the winner of The Apprentice 2019.

Lord Sugar picked Carina to be his business partner. Her baking business will receive a £250,000 investment and 50/50 partnership with the multi-millionaire business mogul.

In the final, Carina pitched her artisan bakehouse while Scarlett showcased her new recruitment agency.

The pair enlisted the help of former candidates to create a brand, advertisements and pitch.

Carina was joined by Thomas Skinner, Pamela Laird, Ryan-Mark Parsons and Jemelin Artigas

Meanwhile joining Scarlett were Lewis Ellis, Lottie Lion, Marianne Rawlins and Dean Ahmad.

The two finalists created a new brand for their company, produced a digital billboard and directed and edited a television advert.

Carina and Scarlett then had to present their business plans to 200 industry experts plus Lord Sugar himself at London’s City Hall.

After Lord Sugar heard feedback from the experts, he called the final two to the boardroom for the last time.

In the boardroom, Lord Sugar appeared undecided as he grilled both candidates on their business plans before asking for final guidance from his advisors Karren Brady and Claude Littner.

He then delivered his decision: “You’re both very driven people and two of the best finalists I’ve had for a very long time so this is difficult.

“I like the idea of more bread… Carina, you’re going to be my business partner. I look forward to working with you and Scarlett, best of luck in the future.”

Reacting to her victory, Carina said: “This is fate. Last year Lord Sugar drove past my shop and I said ‘we’re going to be business partners’ and look at us now.”

The Apprentice will return to TV next year for a brand new series.

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