What Would Your Kid Do? Jason Manford’s unique game show returns

Jason Manford returns with new ITV game show What Would Your Kid Do?

The second series continues to discover just how well the nation really knows their kids by challenging parents to guess how their children will behave in a variety of situations.

Each show will see children filmed in a real world setting – they’ll think it’s just another day at school, unaware they’ll go through a number of tasks that will explore everything from curiosity to lateral thinking, risk taking to rule breaking.

As the situations unfold, Jason will observe alongside the parents as they try to predict what their child will do in each situation, providing a fascinating and often hilariously telling insight into the minds of children – he’ll also have a few surprises up his sleeve that will see him join the children in their world.

At the end of the show the parents who have shown they know their child the best and correctly predicted their behaviour will play for a family prize alongside their child.

The family with the most correct predictions goes through to the final. But on this show, it’s not the adults choosing the prizes… it’s the kids.

What Would Your Kid Do? begins tonight (Sunday, March 24) at 7PM on ITV with its first of six episodes.

Jason said: “It was a lot of fun filming series 2, they’ve stepped up the game play a little bit more because we were aware that having had series one under our belt parents could try and train their kids to behave and answer certain ways for the second series.

“But what we found out is you can’t train a kid, there’s nothing you can do – a kid is a kid and will do what it wants. It’s been a lot of fun watching the parents faces as their kids didn’t do what they expected them to do.”

Teasing what’s to come from the upcoming episodes, Jason continued: “There were lots of lovely moments in series 2, it’s hard to pick out a favourite but I always love the last round when they have to choose the holiday or the toy, it’s just such a funny scenario to put them into.

“But it’s mostly just the quick wittedness of the kids, you forget how funny children can be when you give them a bit of space.”

He added: “I remember one great kid and we were doing something with rats and a rat expert said rats are really clever, like the most clever animals and this kid was saying ‘no way are they’ and this seven year-old lent right into the cage and looked right into the rats eyes and said ‘Alright mate, if you’re so clever….what’s my name?’.”

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