Jamie Lynn Spears discusses ‘feud’ with sister Britney

Jamie Lynn Spears was quizzed on rumours of a feud with sister Britney Spears in a chat on I’m A Celebrity.

In a revealing conversation at the camp, Fred engaged Jamie Lynn in a discussion about a memorable moment involving her sister.

He asked: “I’ve never asked you about your sister, but I was just thinking about, do you remember when she kissed Madonna, or Madonna kissed her. How did it come about?”

Jamie Lynn Spears on I'm A Celebrity

Jamie Lynn, reflecting on the iconic incident, replied: “They just did it. I was at home watching like, ‘Oh OK, this will be fun tomorrow at school, can’t wait.” S

She added: “Anything my sister did I always thought was the best. When it came to my sister, even if I felt anything, if anyone said anything I was ready to go. I was like, ‘Don’t talk about my sister, she’s the best.’

“And so literally I just thought – and by the way, in today’s world it would mean nothing – but it was this iconic moment that they went with and it happened and it’s what they did.”

Discussing her family’s reaction, she revealed her mother’s perspective: “My mum was like, ‘It’s artistic, she’s expressing herself.’”

When Fred inquired about who achieved fame first, Jamie Lynn clarified the timeline, saying: “My sister, she’s 10 years older. She was famous since I was about 6 or 7.”

Addressing current rumours about their relationship, Frankie asked, “Is it true you don’t get on with her now?” To which Jamie Lynn responded affirmatively and simply, “I love my sister.”

I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here continues nightly on ITV1 and ITVX.

Jamie Lynn Spears with Fred in the I'm A Celeb camp

Elsewhere tonight, Grace and Nella faced the Touchdown of Terror Trial. Their respective coaches, Frankie and Tony, had to choose partners for them. Frankie selected Sam to partner with Nella, while Tony allowed Grace to choose her own partner. Grace declined to choose, leading to Nigel volunteering despite Josie’s offer and admission of being a ‘scaredy cat’.

At the Scarena, Ant and Dec explained the stakes: the teams were competing for a dinner reward, with the losing team staying on rice and beans. The Trial involved scoring touchdowns while dealing with jungle critters in their helmets and pants. Nella and Grace had to retrieve footballs and pass them to their teammates, Nigel and Sam, who would then score.

The Trial was intense, with teammates offering encouragement. However, Nella pulled her emergency cord, ending her participation as more critters were added to her helmet.

With the scores close at 2-1 and Nella’s withdrawal, the Away team, including Grace, won by default.

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