I’m A Celebrity 2017 campmates angry with Amir Khan, Iain Lee for eating Dingo Dollar reward

Duo kept plate of strawberries and cream for themselves

The I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! campmates turned on Amir Khan and Iain Lee after they ate all of the strawberries and cream they earned in a Dingo Dollar Challenge.

The ITV show’s contestants are often given opportunities to win extra treats, and yesterday Amir and Iain got hold of a bag of Dingo Dollars.

At the Outback Shack, they had the choice of spending the loot on strawberries and cream, or chocolate coins.

Kiosk Keith called Croc Creek to ask the crucial question: “What percentage of British people who had had cosmetic surgery say they regret it?”

The other celebs gave the correct answer, 65%, meaning Amir and Iain were given their chosen strawberries and cream.

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However, on their way back to camp, Amir put team spirit to one side and suggested: “Shall we eat them and say it was the wrong answer?”

Insisting he was “so torn”, Iain replied: “Let’s just open them and have a look and see what we’ve got.”

Once the strawberries were on the plate, Amir suddenly poured the cream over, and the lads decided to tuck in.

“This is the worst thing we’ve ever done,” smirked Iain.

Having hid the plate and packaging behind a tree, the duo arrived back and claimed the group’s answer was incorrect.

On a visit to the Bush Telegraph, Iain began feeling guilty and suggested they come clean – but Amir was adamant he was sticking to the plan.

“I ain’t going to tell them. You can, but I’m going to say it was your fault then,” said the boxer.

“If you tell them, you need to take the full blame. The only way they are going to find out is when they go back home back to the UK.”

Iain subsequently gathered the celebs for his confession. “We won the strawberries and cream, I thought it would be really funny to eat them all on my own,” he claimed.

“I am not joking, I am beyond shame and cannot live with this anymore.”

The initial disbelief turned to anger. “No there is no way you would do that to your mates, no way,” said Jamie Lomas.

“Just out of principle guys that is so wrong, so wrong,” added Dennis Wise.

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“We wouldn’t do it to our mates but guess what, we did,” replied Amir. “We are putting our hands up.”

“Well, this is simple,” Dennis proclaimed. “If we win any more going forward, you don’t get anything, ok?”


Amir and Iain agreed not to eat any of the five-star dinner Kezia Dugdale and Stanley Johnson won in the earlier Bushtucker Trial.

I’m A Celebrity 2017 airs nightly on ITV.