I’m A Celebrity South Africa’s first episode ended with a big surprise last night as Gillian McKeith joined camp.
Entering hidden in a giant box, she burst out to announce: “I couldn’t let you do this without ‘Jungle Gill’. Hi! I’m back again! 12 years later on the I’m A Celeb show.”
Shaun Ryder – who appeared alongside Gillian in the show’s 2010 series – was quick to react.
Shaun in the Bush Telegraph says tonight: “Gillian came out of a box. I was very surprised. I probably could have done without it being Gillian, yeah.”

Gillian in the Bush Telegraph says: “How do I feel about Shaun Ryder being here? I said hello, he said hello, it was all very cordial. What can I say?”
In camp, Paul asks Shaun about his last experience of being in camp with her: “Is she as mad as a box of frogs?”
Shaun replies: “Yeah… I nearly killed her.”
Back in the Bush Telegraph, Shaun says: “I’ve been trying to be nice to her. I’m a different person, whatever. I don’t think Gillian was pleased to see me.”
Later and during the night, Shaun’s snoring is causing a stir in camp.
Fatima says: “He really snores. It sounded like someone who was drowning underwater.”
Shaun in the Bush Telegraph says: “I thought Fatima had come to assassinate me in the middle of the night! She’d come to tell me to stop snoring.”
Fatima wasn’t the only one not getting a good night’s sleep, with Phil admitting: “Terrible night’s sleep. I woke up feeling like a banana. I don’t think I can sleep in those hammocks you know.”
Then, as Shaun gets up in the morning his hip makes a huge crack. As he cries out, he insists: “I’m alright, I’m alright, it went back.”
Phil reacts: “There was this almighty crack. It was seismic!”
Meanwhile, Gillian has some thoughts on the condition of the long drop: “The long drop, it’s disgusting. The toilet roll is saturated. It’s nauseating.”
She tells Helen: “There’s people ‘widdling’ on the seat. We’re going to have to talk to them. There’s going to have to be a discussion about this. It’s embarrassing, it’s disgusting. What if you sit on the seat and there’s the residue of someone before?”
Is Gillian set to pull rank in camp?
I’m A Celebrity… South Africa airs tonight at 9PM on ITV1 and ITVX.
More on: I'm A Celebrity