Big Brother tears as letters from home arrive

There are lots of tears on Big Brother tonight as housemates get letters from home.

Today’s task sees the housemates get to enjoy ‘Heaven’ inside the house.

Big Brother gathers the group and says: “Seeing as you’ve all been such angels while staying in my house, I thought I’d treat you to a little taste of heaven.”

Big Brother's Yinrun reads letter

After offering the opportunity of treats including a delicious sushi buffet and a luxury afternoon tea.

Housemates are gathered in the lounge and Big Brother says: “Housemates. Before the gates of heaven close for the day, I wanted to give you all the ultimate heavenly gift – your letters from home.”

Reading Noky’s letter to her, Olivia says: “To my best friend, from the second I was born I have looked up to you in every single way – we were meant to be sisters.”

Reading Henry’s letter to him, Jordan says: “You have been your positive, funny, authentic self throughout the whole time in the house and people love you for you.”

Reading Jordan’s letter to him, Henry says: “The whole of my office is watching your every move and they know all about your behaviour in the bushes! Everyone loves your humour and thinks you’re a gentleman. I adore Henry – lifelong friends and potential son-in-law.”

Reading Olivia’s letter to her, Noky says: “Our darling, gorgeous girl Olivia. We are the proudest mum and dad ever. Gran, Po and James are all so proud but we will warn you now, Gran is wanting a word about your swearing!”

Reading Yinrun’s letter to her, Matty says: “Your parents and grandmother miss you deeply. The whole process of going to the UK was done by you on your own. I saw my girl at her best – adventurous, independent and brave.”

Olivia reads letter from home

Finally, reading Matty’s letter to him, Yinrun says: “Dear Matty. It’s been great to watch your friendships with your housemates develop. Your humour, kindness and sensitivity has always been at the heart of everything you’ve done.”

Elsewhere tonight, there’s a one last eviction ahead of Friday’s final.

Big Brother continues nightly at 9PM on ITV2 and ITVX.

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